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Chapter 33 - Don't say I'm good-looking.

“Recently, it seems like the library has become quite packed than before.” Jiang Qi was reading a book and chatting at the same time with Ke Yan. This is one of Jiang Qi’s habits recently. He would insert one or two idle chat while reading with Ke Yan. Originally Ke Yan didn’t like others to talk while reading but recently he also got use to it.

Ke Yan turned a page of the book: “They’re noisy.”

“No ah.. I saw everyone was quietly reading.” Jiang Qi a little bit puzzled: Ke Yan level of noisy is not the same as him?

“What I’m trying to say was, the girls have always been peeking at our side.” Ke Yan put it in plain words.

Jiang Qi raised his head and observed for a while: “Yeah...they seem to be looking at you.” Not to mention today, recently library has become quite weird. Minus both Ke Yan and him, others seem to be coming in a lot. It’s not that a lot of people coming in are weird but it is weird because most of them are girls. Or it is better to say, apart from him and Ke Yan..the rest were female students.

At the moment Jiang Qi understands...These girls coming in here clearly not for the books.

Looking at Ke Yan, Jiang Qi accidently blurted out: “Ke Yan...you’re really good-looking.”

Ke Yan narrowed his eyes at Jiang Qi and pinched his cheek: “Not allowed to say I’m good-looking.”

“Why?” Jiang Qi’s words were vague since Ke Yan is pinching his cheek.

“Just bear it in your mind, do not ask so much.”

Jiang Qi still would like to ask more but Ke Yan seems to read his little mind and put a little more force into his fingers. But afterwards he immediately relaxed his strength because Jiang Qi cried for pain.

While at this side the two people were enthusiastically playing pinched, those female students were looking at them with green eyes. Imagining how good it is if the one being pinched right now is their own. However they were still at ease: Fortunately Jiang Qi is a boy, if a girl... pulled out her tendon and peel off her skin.

Anyway...lucky it’s not possible...

Once Ke Yan loosen his hand, Jiang Qi’s cheek already blooming red. Afterwards, Ke Yan rubbed his face to ease the redness as though it’s natural for him to do so. At this time, both sides of Jiang Qi’s cheek redden. He right away bowed his head; do not let Ke Yan to see.

These two people then continued to bow down to read, apparently forgotten about those people surrounding them...leaving a group of female students gnashing their teeth silently.

Originally he is in bad mood, but after Ke Yan pinched Jiang Qi’s face he no longer felt irritable. However, previously calm Jiang Qi has now become irritable to death.

After a while they finally admit defeat in reading. Being stared by a group of people...no matter whom also won’t have any interest to continue.

Jiang Qi and Ke Yan went to cafeteria. Halfway through the meal, Jiang Qi’s neck being grasped by somebody. Looking up, he saw it was Ye Xing Wei. Jiang Qi, still holding on to his chopsticks asked: “Hey..what’s your problem?”

Ye Xing Wei automatically ignoring Ke Yan’s dangerous gaze and dragged Jiang Qi from the chair up to leave.

Jiang Qi still holding on to his chopsticks while being dragged to leave, cried out: “In the end what is your problem... I am still eating.”

“I’ll take you to see then you’ll know.”


With Jiang Qi being pulled away, Ke Yan did not catch up but continue to eat his meal. After a while he put down his chopsticks, seems to be lost in thoughts and sitting there in dazed.

Jiang Qi was being dragged by Ye Xing Wei back to the dormitory. Liu Hao and Meng Qing also inside sitting in front of the computer. Ye Xing Wei bring Jiang Qi in front of the computer to show him something. Looking at it for a moment, Jiang Qi suddenly understood. Both of them were selling Ye Xing Wei’s clothes he previously gave them. Jiang Qi put down his chopsticks in embarrassment: “Uh...this...anyway you also did not want it, don’t you say you won’t wear it again?”

Ye Xing Wei propped his hand on the side of the table: “But, you also shouldn’t get rid of it by selling it, right?” Just thinking about others would be wearing his clothes felt really awkward.

Jiang Qi was helpless: “Those clothes now belong to Liu Hao and Meng Qing. If you want it back then go and talk to them ba.”

Ye Xing Wei sighed and walked over and flicked Jiang Qi’s melon head: “Obviously it’s you who have given it to them.”

“You already knew ah.”

“If they earn more they will give you one-tenth , okay?” Jiang Qi added up.

“No need.” Ye Xing Wei refused, but afterwards thought: “You will agree to my request in the future.”

When did he say he will agree to do his request in the future?

But ...forget it ba. After all it was him that did the wrong thing first.

Okay, okay, okay...Jiang Qi immediately showed a wayward grin to Ye Xing Wei.

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