Here I was, standing next to a half-drunk man I met about half an hour ago, and the driveway to a house I was never going to enter.
I watch a man with slightly curly, black hair climb out of a car and pace towards us with a scowl and narrowed eyes. He was seemingly attractive, more than I'd care to admit even though he carried an angry expression. His eyes were a beautiful shade of grey that appeared to get darker when he stared down on my new friend. I couldn't help myself but stare. There was something about him that made me want to crawl into a ball and cower, but another part of me wondered who he might be, so I stayed quiet and observed his features twist into a blank stare.
"William." The tall man glared, while I could only focus on the way his lips had bounced upon one another when he spoke.
"Aiden." Will hissed back in something that I could almost describe as hatred.
"Don't tell me you're still pining over that slut ex-girlfriend of yours?" The pink lips twirled into a proud smirk.
"Shut up." Will snapped at him and took a confident step towards Aiden.
"Did I strike a nerve?" He laughed bitterly. "I hate to be the one telling you this, but she wasn't very good in bed. I'd say she was quite pathetic really. Though, you wouldn't know, would you, William?" Will clenched his fists at his side and his jaw twitched. A single vein popped out long enough for Aiden to notice before it disappeared again.
It happened almost like a switch going off in my head that I realised why Will was so angry. My eyes shifted between the two of them and my mouth parted, taken aback by what I knew.
"Well, it looks like you've already found a replacement anyways." Aiden smirked once more and hovered over me with a stare.
Will tried his best to remain calm but I made out that by the way he spoke through his teeth, he wouldn't remain like that for long. And I didn't blame him. On the contrary, I felt sorry for him. The guy he talked about, the one who slept with his girlfriend was standing in front of him and still, he hadn't laid a hand on him even though it was obvious he wanted to.
"She's not a replacement."
Aiden took it upon himself to scan over me thoroughly, making sure not to miss the slightest detail that I bared.
"God, I sure hope not. With that style I can't imagine a single rodent that would approach her." He scoffed then scowled at my clothes. In that exact order...
"Excuse me?" I spoke up, obviously offended.
What kind of obnoxious prick does he think he is?
Ah, so you can speak." He pretended to be surprised. It was more than clear he was mocking me. "Tell me, what exactly went through that small brain of yours that told you to dress like that?"
"Leave her alone." Will stood next me protectively, and even though he was smaller, he looked beyond ready to hit him.
"With pleasure." He directed his gaze down to me and glared, making me feel much smaller than I already did. "Are you going to get out of the damn way so I can park my car-" He looked near my waist where the bag on my back sat. "-Emma?"
"How- how did you know my name?" I scrunch my brows together.
He rolled his eyes and brushed past me like I was dirt under his shoe. "It's on the key ring of your zipper." He flicked the dangling object making it swing. Then he walked back down the driveway where he stepped back in to his car and waited for us to move.
Will tugged me by the sleeve, asking for me to follow. We walked down the driveway and got ourselves out of the way before Aiden revved the engine annoyingly and drove past us, parking at the front of the house.
"Is he always so rude?" I ask once I was sure Aiden was gone.
"Don't take anything he says to heart, it's not worth getting upset about." When he looked at my face I saw his tightened facial appearance relax almost instantly. "I'm sorry he was so mean... I should have punched him the second he spoke to you." He attempted a smile.
"It's okay." I return the smile. "I'm sure I won't see him again anyways... this city is too big for that." I glanced over at him, still upset over Aiden's words and frown slightly. "I heard what he said about your girlfriend... I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I followed my words with sympathy.
"Me too..." He smiles faintly. "I really thought that maybe, after so many months, so much time... she could be the one, you know? But the good-for-nothing asshole had to ruin it." He lowered into the seat, sighing in defeat.
"Do you feel like going for coffee?" I offer spontaneously, surprising even myself.
He turned to me with a written confusion pasted on his eyes.
"You're inviting me for coffee...? Right now?"
"Yeah... I mean, I read somewhere that coffee is good for sobering up, and it's a great distraction. Not to mention it tastes amazing." I smile, small enough so he can see it. "That is, if you want to." I add.
"Coffee does sound amazing right about now. Thank you." We both grinned as I pulled into the coffee shop some time later. "I can tell you and I are going to make great friends." He laughed and pulled the door to the café open for me like a true gentlemen.
We spent a long time sitting in that shop, talking about everything like where we grew up, to what place we wanted to visit most in the world. Conversation was easy with him and I liked that I never felt uncomfortable. He was kind and sweet like no one else had ever been with me, and I appreciated him for that. I was never popular wherever I went like other people I knew, and I never made friends easily, so this was different and a little scary for me. But coffee and good conversation was a good place to start.
When the shop closed he gave me his number in case I ever wanted to hang out with him again. He apologized for Aiden again, making me smile as we walked back into the cold night.
I got into my little car while he got into the cab he called. I offered to drive him back home but he refused and instead, insisted that I should be careful on my drive back.
When I unlocked the apartment door, I contemplated sending Will a text message. When I entered my room and went over the pros and cons like I always did when I made decisions, I chose to send him a text and see how it went. I didn't exactly expected to make a new friend tonight, let alone by almost running them over with my car, but I guess we meet people in strange ways all the time.
While I waited for him to message back I tapped my foot on the hardwood floor, impatient and nervous. Was I too forward? Should I delete the message? I nervously racked my brain for choosing the worst kind of wording for this message but before I could get rid of it, he was already replying back.
'I would love to meet for coffee again! I really enjoyed it tonight. Though I have to warn you... I'm not this fun sober.' I laughed at his message, relieved and glad he felt the same way I did.
With a lifted chest, I put my phone down to charge and switched it off for the remainder of the night. Perhaps Will was right? Maybe we would make good friends... it's not like I had many anyways... Maybe it was time for me to finally give it a try.

The Fate Of Broken Hearts
Romance- PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS 'The Scars Of Your Love' - Emmeline Adams is just getting settled into her new life as a college student in Berkeley, California. She has her entire life mapped out on paper and her sights set on a successful career. However, w...