Chapter 41

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"What do you mean by 'together', exactly?" Will asked, walking with me to class. "Are you two – what like – dating?"

"I... don't know. We haven't really discussed that far." I pulled the building door wide and let him go in first, his bag slanting his shoulder.

"Hang on," He stopped unexpectedly. "So, what happened after?"

I smiled and continued to walk by his side.

"We got food."

"That's it? I don't get any details or gossip?" He scoffed, "And here I was thinking girls gossiped about everything." He tried to seem serious, but the enjoyment on his face betrayed him.

"There is nothing to gossip about." I shrugged, seeing the corners of my mouth tug up in the reflection of the window.

"What was that? Is that a smirk?" He analyzed my face, laughing. "Well. Now, I really have to know what happened."

"We're going to be late." I snickered. "Besides, I thought you didn't care about these sorts of things."

"That guy has always been the biggest stick up my ass, but apparently, he's doing something right with you. Can you blame me for being at least a little curious?" He didn't wait for my response before confidently nodding, "That's right. No."

We entered the large auditorium with grey chairs and desks in front of them, choosing the seats closest to the aisle as we usually did.

I anticipated Will to move on from the subject of my love life when we both opened our laptops. I was mistaken. He continued to bombard me with questions as if it was suddenly his favorite topic.

At this rate, he was looking more enthusiastic about going on a date with Aiden than me.

When I was finally able to get him to be quiet about his newfound interest, Professor Lynn walked in and began her lesson, strict and forthcoming.

We listened to her speak, taking notes, making lists, and panicking on the inside when she mentioned exams. Even if they were still a while away, the mention of a test was enough to make everyone in this room shift uncomfortably.

"I would rather lick an old toilet seat than do a test on English." Will whinged, his tone carrying worry.

"That's disgusting," I chuckled, covering my mouth so I wouldn't gather any unwanted attention.

"But I'd do it!" He raised his brows. "I can't wait to finish college."

"You'll do fine. I know you will."

"Says the genius in the class." He rolled his eyes.

When all of my lessons were finished and I had the rest of the day free, I went back to the coffee shop to see Will again after he'd left.

Aiden was the first to welcome me with his charming and animated smile. However, he wasn't thrilled to learn that his original plan to spend the day with me would be derailed and that he would instead spend it with a third party - especially one with whom he didn't get along very well.

"Can't he study on his own?" Aiden winced as he saw Will sitting at one of the tables from outside.

"There is no fun in studying alone." I contended.

"I do it."

"And how much fun do you have doing that?" I raised a brow.

"More than I'm going to have here, that's for sure." He muttered.

"Come on, there has to be something you like about Will." I encouraged him.

He turned to me, eyebrows knitted together. "You want to know what I like about William? Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

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