Two days spent in solitude without speaking to anyone besides Will and occasionally, Myra, was somewhat lonely. I received calls from Will everyday complaining about how many people he had to meet and all the traveling he had to do. He told me about the annoying beds in the hotel and the posh clients his father worked for. He also took from his boredom and advised me not to go to Portland, which was odd considering I had always heard good things about that place.
I ended my daily call with Will and waited for the sun to start its downfall, so six could pass on the clock. That was the time that I was supposedly meeting up with him after his parents insisted upon inviting me over for dinner when they came back from their trip. Will guaranteed me that I didn't have to wear anything fancy since it was juts dinner, but I wanted to make a good impression since I knew they were high-class people. So I went against Will's words and tried my best to dress up somewhat nicely with the clothes I had.
I stared at myself through the mirror, eyeing at what I had put on. The emerald coloured shirt without fabric on the shoulders was tucked into the black skirt that reached just above my knees. It was short enough to be considered formal, but not much longer to be seen as some sort of prude, which was good. My mascara was a light coat like always. I never like wearing too much makeup. It always made me uncomfortable and eye shadow was no exception, so a small drag across the eyelid was more than enough to please my appearance.
It wasn't long before time passed and I was on the road, following my GPS to the address I was given.
Seventeen minutes later, I was pulling up to broad driveway with bright lights and perfectly trimmed grass. The road up here alone was beautiful, I couldn't imagine what the house must have looked like on the inside.
I spent even more time looking at the exterior of the building-like residence than actually walking up to the front door and ringing the doorbell. (Which I should have been doing all along if I hadn't been so distracted by the house.) Places like this only existed in the movies I watched on my laptop or the fancy magazines that my mother displayed on her coffee table back home.
"What are you doing?" Will chuckled at my astonishment from the large door.
"Your house is beautiful!" I informed him as if he had no clue he was the one actually living there.
"You should tell that to my father. I'm sure he'll love the compliment." He laughed.
"So how was your flight back?" I change the subject.
"It was great. How were classes?" He grinned and pulled open the large front door to urge me in. And as I had suspected, the interior was just as attractive as the outside.
"They were good. You have a lot to catch up on but I've got all the notes." I said, taking in everything around me.
The whole space was easy on the eyes, lovely to look at with its modern touch of decorations. Will guided me past a giant-sized living room that was adorned by picture frames of his family, some on vacations and others at events. They all seemed so happy with their expensive smiles I could have thought they were actually really close if it wasn't for Will telling me the opposite.
"William!" A woman's voice shouted from a different room.
"I'm here!" He shouted back, then turned to me, whispering. "I apologise for dinner in advance. This afternoon will be very unpleasant." I shook my head and playfully rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
We entered the kitchen shortly after Will's comment and it came to me that the size of this room alone was bigger than the entire apartment I shared with Myra.
"Mom, this is Emma." He pointed at me.
His mother eyed me from head to toe like a scanner would at an airport, and I felt my throat dry up from her stare until a faint smile appeared and she walked over to me with open arms.

The Fate Of Broken Hearts
Romantiek- PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS 'The Scars Of Your Love' - Emmeline Adams is just getting settled into her new life as a college student in Berkeley, California. She has her entire life mapped out on paper and her sights set on a successful career. However, w...