Chapter Seven: Welcome back

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I stood in the center of the training field, it been four months but it felt like centuries.I had this nervous feeling just standing here, memories flow through my head from this moment.I made different signs with my hand as I mold the charka which flow from the center of my body spreading to the outside layer of my skin. I felt this sharp pain through the vessel of my veins shocking throughout the blood of my blood which brought an interference with the flow of my charka. I couldn't hold it off any longer.It felt like my bones were on the verge of cracking slowly destroying itself. I brought up that strength to bring my attached hands apart as I fell down on my knees in pain.I can't do this even I know I'll die at this rate unfortunately.I gentle pushed myself up from the ground as I started punching the tree in front of me Why am I'm so weak? Before I realized it see blood splatter on my face I stopped watching the blood on my knuckles drip on the ground. It hurt so much.I move my hands close up to my face arranging a closer image.Its horrible I clenched my fist. It's so unfair.I wanted to through another punch but I mostly knew if I did I would dislocate my arm. I felt the touch of someone hand I longed to be with I felt my heart beating fast.He wrapped my cuts and wounds on my hand with the bandages in his hand
"Don't over do it."Neji said
"Thank you" I replied slightly in pain.
He hand started to glow transferring his charka into my wounds slightly healing the scars."It'll heal overtime, you should stop harming your body it's unacceptable."

"You can't possibly understand, right? I'm just training but unfortunately to save someone for another person. I requested a mission on a close case which was to bring Sasuke back I don't care how much pain I suffer I'm doing this for my sister." I softly smiled."It don't hurt as much as you think.It might not seem like I put much thought into it but I did, I know the worst scenario could happen. Your the last person I want to hear doubt me, and yelling about telling me what's right and what's wrong can you just believe in me." I looked down.Can anyone believe in me?

Neji shook his head."I'm not going to yelI at you ,neither do I doubt your decision because I do believe in you.Kana your too kind." He walked towards me holding my shoulder as he place his head against mines, gently giving me a kiss on the forehead."I wish you luck Kana." He took a step back walking around.

I watch him walking away leaving my sight I turned around staring at the sight of my hand with bandages wrapped around it.It won't heal anymore but I can't give in yet. I firmly balled up my fist walking in the other directions.I hit my limit I can't continue training.I remember the last time it happen I continue walking as I began to remember a memory that was meant to be forgotten.


I was the age eight I was training with the other kids in my class at the moment of time I had countless of friends. I felt this corruption through the flow of my blood interfering with the charka in my body I suddenly got exhausted instantly before I cough up alot of blood out of nowhere collapsing that was the first time I had when to hospital before being diagnose.


I walked down the hallway finding myself back in Iruka sensei homeroom. I creek the door open,"Excuse I fail to be successful in mastering the trainning skill you wanted from me,I'm going home." I said in a sad tone disappointed in myself.

" I watch you training It doesn't matter how I feel about. I don't know of this the right or wrong choice but my decision.I want you to come back as soon as possible and don't die." Iruka said worried.

"But what the ninja's my Mama having watching over me?" I asked.

" I handle the situation just don't worry about it." He pulled out a envlope." Take this information to help you on the request."

I gentle took it from his hand." Thank you Iruka senei." I looked down at the envlope." Bye sensei." I turned my back on him." I won't die." I said with determination.I walked out the homeroom letting the door shut by itself.

The village was quiet empty I made it to the front entrance without being questioned by anyone.I opened the envelope before I took off from the ground. I felt the speed on my movement going faster as I jumped from tree to tree. The more I got deeper into the Forrest I felt suffocated, my body isn't used to using my full force physical strength.I paused my footsteps breathing heavy It was a sign my body telling me to stop I punch the side of the tree Not yet,Not yet. I have to continue going please body let me go farther. I don't want to put damage on my body but I have to endure this. I can't give up.I picked back up my pace jumping from tree to tree. The envelope I had opened gave me the directions and the location of Orochimaru hidden base along with other information that is present.I paused my footsteps seeing someone shadow walking into a cave. I stood on the tree I lost my balance falls painfully on the ground I felt feeling weaker I was barely about to catch my breath. My throat hurts bad like someone was scratching glass against it. 

I pushed my hands against the ground lifting myself off from the ground , once again enduring the pain. I walked towards the cave If I'm correct this is the base Iruka sensei gave me the directions to.I walked inside the cave it was nearly pitch black I seen torches lights against the wall. I was only able to hear my own footsteps which slow down, I knew my body had reach it limit from the time I was training I was just pushing myself for Sakura sake.I lean my back against the wall I'm so tired. I heard someone footsteps coming closer towards me I turned my head," Orochimaru?" I spoke his name out of term.

"Your wrong. And a bit too late cause I already killed him." He said , the deepness in his voice had gave me the chills down my spine.He revealed himself from the shadow standing close to the light his black gorgeous, those beautiful eyes."Your Sasuke Uchiha" I mumble underneath my breath.

Within second he held a sword up to my throat."Speak, Present yourself." He took another look at me."You resembles Sakura Haruno but I doubt her beauty compare to you which I'm not interest in neither.Wait a minute, your that brat that hung in the shadows watching her older sister train if I'm correct your name is Kana Haruno.I'm really getting sick of members of the hidden leaf village trying to bring me back It's really pisses me off and having to kill them is a waste of my time.I already have the label of a rouge ninja so I wouldn't mind killing you right now. Give me explantation why I shoudn't slice your throat right now."

" I don't know if my reasons are good enough but I'm doing this for my sister Sakura, she in love with you.Please come back to Kohona at least for her sake?" I begged.

He smirk."Unfortunately , that wasn't the best respond."He pulled the sword away the swung it at my neck.

This is how I'm really gone die, I at least want to fullfill my sister wish.I had already had my eyes close hearing the sound of the wind which the sword was moving.I can't give up yet until the wish is fullfull for you Sakura."I WILL DO ANYTHING!" I yelled out of turn.

He paused his movement stopping the speed of the sword." I think I heard something interesting." He gently place his sword in his pocket releasing me from his gasp then he grab my chin moving my closer towards him."Kohona had always been a pain in the ass if I didn't leave I wouldn't be strong as I am right now. Those awful memories I'll make you understand the pain I went through, I'll turn your life to living hell. "He pushed me against the wall turning around." Now let's go to Kohona."He demanded.

My heart beat increased frighten I felt scare, terrify I wanted to scream and cry. I'm already suffering enough pain, I can barely keep up with it. I shook my head unable to accept reality Why have my life become so cruel?

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