Chapter 24

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The day has come, the day that I have been waiting for. I remember when I told myself that someday, I am going to marry this man in front of me and now it's finally happening....I could never ask for more.

Playlist in this Chapter
1st to play: Can't help falling inlove
2nd: Winter Bear

But 4 days before this special day, Dad finally went to heaven leaving me these words;  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you and Taehyung wished to live a simple life, but, I want you to finish what I've started. I know you can do it because I have always believed in you...."

Although it hurts and painful but we have to continue the wedding no matter what because that is what dad wants.

"I wish you were here Dad." I sighed as I wait for the door to open for me to walk down the aisle.

Inside, was Taehyung and my beloved family waiting... I know it's not complete without Dad and it will never be but I know that right at this moment, I know that he's with me and I can feel it.

The music soon started and the door opened.

It was at this moment I knew that I am going to have the best husband in the whole universe.

Taehyung, he was looking at me with such love. His eyes are screaming how much he's happy to see me walking down the aisle.

In every steps that I make my heart skip a beat and God knows why.

Family, friends, business partners are her to witness our sign of love. There are reporters and everything to witness this most especial event in my life despite our loss.

My smile never leave my face until I spotted someone really familiar, Jimin. He is wearing a black suit with a black sleeves underneath, his button is slightly open enough to see the little part of his chest. His hair is even styled in a manly way and he is smiling at me. He mouthed 'lovely' and I nodded at him before I look in front again.

And now, Taehyung. He is crying when my Mom gave my hands to him. Mom hugged him and likewise.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate with  Selena and Taehyung as they proclaim their love and commitment to the world. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together." The priest said.

Taehyung gave me the sweetest smile and I did the same. He looks so handsome in his suit and tie.

"Selena and Taehyung, the relationship you enter into today must be grounded in the strength of your love and the power of your faith in each other. To make your relationship succeed it will take unending love. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you truly want what is best for one another and to learn and grow together. It will take faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds. If you both come freely, and understand the responsibility and work involved to make your relationship thrive, and are committed to not only each other but your family, please take each other by the hands and reply 'we do.'" Then both of us look at each other.

And now the vows.

Taehyung held my hand tightly, his hands are cold and it shows how nervous he is.

"Selena, I know we've only met for a short span of time but those times that I am with you were the best moments of my life---" he stop mid sentence because his voice cracked like he's about to cry which made me shed a tear and same with the people who's watching us.

"I just wanna let you know how thankful I am to you for bringing the best in me when I am at my worst. You showed me that love can't be seen physically but was felt by the heart and you are the proof of that. At first I hated you, your presence and your guts but that turned out to be the things I love about you now. My love, thank you--" he cried and I do too. He was laughing and crying at the same time making me hit his arm.

"But seriously, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and I love you for embracing my flaws and bad side. Selena, I am so blessed to have you in my life... I kept telling myself to never let you go because I will never be me without you--- I-I love you so much." He said.

"Now place the ring on her hand and repeat after me..." The priest said,

"With this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life, and cherish the memories we make together."

Taehyung repeated what he said and placed the ring on my finger and he wipe my tears for me.

And it's my turn.

"Kim Taehyung--" my voice cracked by just the mention of his name which made him shed a tear also.

"I am lost of words, you know how painful it is for me right now and everyone knows how much I am in pain but by just looking at you I told myself that there is no reason for me to be sad anymore because I have you, Dad blessed our relationship and I know how much happiness he is feeling right now from above." As soon as I started to mention Dad, he including everyone tear up.

"If I can only stop the time and let Dad witness his daughter getting married to the man of her dreams I would do it. Taehyung, I love you as much as you love me you know that right?" I said and he nodded as he wipe his tears with his handkerchief.

"It was never easy but we stood up together. We faced so many hardships but we're still by each other's side. There were tons of tears that's been shed and too many heart breaks that's been shared and now.... we are finally getting married---" I cried and he nodded crying. "I love you so much Hon."

"Now place the ring on his hand and repeat after me.... with this ring, I promise to stand with you as we share this life and cherish the memories we make together."

I placed the ring on his hand and we looked at each other happily.

"Selena and Taehyung, today you have stood before these witnesses and declared your intent to commit your lives to each other in marriage. You have made promises to each other and your family. Your road to this moment has not always been smooth, but you continued to fight for one another. I hope you will never forget the fight and perseverance it has taken to get to this moment. And I hope you will never forget the love and joy you feel today, because these are the values that will keep your marriage, family and bond to one another strong."

"And so, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

And we shared our first kiss as husband and wife and it was the most beautiful thing ever.

Dad if you are watching, I hope you are happy now because I am. You will forever be my first love and greatest love......

A/n: one chapter left :(

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