Chapter Five

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Damian must have gotten a lot farther ahead than he initially thought. It had been half an hour since he'd gone into that cave and he had yet to find him. Then again, there were multiple paths that he could have taken but only one that could lead him to the next town.

I'd pick one and see where it leads... but I think after almost encountering cultists in here that I should be more careful, Zander thought, glancing at the three paths before him.

After much debate, Zander opted to take the path on the right side. Down the rocky path he went, keeping an eye out for the occasional Zubat that were known for hiding in caves. It wasn't long before he'd found himself in a vast chamber. Stalactites jutted down from the ceiling. On other parts of the chamber, columns rose to the ceiling. In the center of it all was a platform where two figures could be seen, one of which was a green, with tiny, clear wings on its back. It had large, bright blue eyes and a round head that came to a curved point. Zander didn't need his memories to know what that was. The Voice of the Forest itself was hovering about thirty yards away next to a tall young woman with bright green hair and azure eyes that matched the mythical creature she stood next to. She wore a green and white striped top with a deep blue skirt and white stockings. Her skin was a creamy peach coloration.

Slipping behind a column, Zander observed her as she began to give commands to Celebi. Power flowed through the time traveler's body and in mere moments, several pillars of light shot up around the platform, fading to reveal several ancient and extinct fossils brought to life. A smile tugged at the corners of the woman's lips as she pumped her fist into the air in triumph.

"Finally! we did it Celebi! it took ages but we managed to pull it off," she declared excitedly. "You can turn them back now Celebi. We're done here..."

Celebi returned the creatures to their previous state and hovered to the woman's side. She gave it a pat on the head and turned to make an exit when a certain sound caught her attention. Stopping in her tracks, she turned with wide eyes, almost fearful of what she might encounter. Someone had seen her and Celebi, and that was something she had tried so hard to avoid.

"Who's there!?" she called out, readying a sphere in her hand in preparation for a battle that might ensue. "I already heard you, show yourself!"

Zander remained silent, uncertain of what to make of the situation. All he knew was that this woman had Celebi. It listened to her, obeyed her and it was very concerning considering the power the mythical powerhouse possessed. Sure, he had type advantage with what he had on him, but against the level of experience Celebi had, he couldn't measure up.

"Fine, if you won't come out, I'll just have Celebi flush you out!" she shouted, clenching her fists as she prepared to give the order.

Deciding that it would be in his best interest to reveal himself, Zander steeled his nerves, pushed the anxiety down and stepped out. As he did, Mew took the opportunity to materialize beside him, knowingly saving him from the fight that no doubt would have happened if it didn't. As Zander stepped out, the woman immediately caught sight of Mew hovering casually beside him, her eyes widening at the sight.

"It can't be... can it? is it?" she hitched the ball she had in her hand to her belt and began to walk toward Zander who in turn did the same.

The two met in the center of the platform, pausing for a brief moment to drink in the other's appearance. Mew scurried over to Celebi who danced in circles with it, happily conversing with its friend.

"Looks like they know each other," Zander spoke up, snatching the woman's attention away from the scene.

"Yes, they are acquainted. I just didn't think that I'd be meeting another chosen one so soon..." she stated, knitting her brows in confusion.

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