Chapter 6

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||A/N: As you guys know I get in these writing moods which I was last night and I actually finished this chapter but didn't want to post it until today. So yeah here it is, also sorry if this book will be coming to an end soon...since I've seemed to make these chapters rather long and stuff...either way enjoy!!||

Things seemed to be worse with Simmons still on the run and now you ignoring him he decided, for now, the focus would be on finding Simmons then after all that he'd talk it all out with you hoping you'd believe him.

"Leon, (Y/N), Helena, come in." Hunnigans voice was heard.
"What is it, Hunnigan?" You asked.
"If Sherry's intel is on the money, Simmons should be just up ahead. Be careful, Hunnigan out." Hunnigan says.

Knowing Simmons was nearby made all three of you have determined expressions on your faces, for now, the problem between you and Leon could wait. Simmons needed to be dealt with once and for all.

Heading out the door there was an area and well pretty much nothing was around so you all just followed the path, coming up to large doors again you all quickly got in checking the place out before seeing Simmons up on a ledge. Pointing your guns at him you then confronted the man while Kuga growled loudly at him.

"Simmons!" Helena shouts.
"Found you, damn fucker." You spat.
"Well, this is unexpected," Simmons says, his men had their guns pointed at you three.
"No! Wait!" Sherry shouts as she just arrived.
"Ah, Agent Birkin. Impeccable timing. Kindly take these three into custody, won't you? Oh, and put that mutt in a cage will you?" Simmons says.
"Touch my dog and I'll make your death ten times more painful, you son of a bitch." You hissed.
"They said you were involved in the terrorist attack. Is it true?" Sherry asked.
"What, are they running down the streets, screaming it to anyone who'll listen?" Simmons asks.
"Answer me!" Sherry shouts.
"It's for the benefit of the United States- and global security," Simmons says.
"I can't see how killing the President is good for the country!" Leon shouts.
"The President's dead?" Sherry asked shocked.
"Well, we have Leon to thank for that. Not to mention little (Y/N) here is also to blame, thank you for taking the blame sweetheart. It doesn't cease to amaze me how quickly people change their views on people." Simmons mocks.
"God damn you, Simmons!" Helena shouts.
"Fuck you! I'll clear my name after I send them your head!" You shout.
"Dispose of them," Simmons orders his men.

Right after that, they began shooting, you, Leon, Helena all got to cover as Kuga rushed off as well, Sherry muttered a 'no' as she ran after you all making Jake save her from getting into the line of fire which could've killed her...the hell she thinking!?

"Hold your fire! Those two are still of use to us." Simmons says meaning Jake and Sherry.
"You need to be more careful." Leon scolds her.
"Indeed, that was reckless, Sherry." You said worriedly.
"All right, all right. So what's the plan, hero?" Jake asked Leon.
"You think you can make it to that door?" Leon asked.
"Why don't we just waste them?" Jake asked.
"Because I need you to take care of, Sherry," Leon says.
"Keep her safe alright?" You added.

Moments after that more gunfire was heard but it soon stopped as Simmons was trying to hurry everyone up, as you planned out your next course of action it was clear you three would distract Simmons while Sherry and Jake escaped.

"What are you three gonna do?" Sherry asked.
"Finish Simmons." Helena answers.
"There's information on here that could stop the C-Virus. Simmons wants it." Sherry says handing over a chip to Leon.
"Thanks. I'll put a call in FOS, get you some protection." Leon says taking out his duel guns.
"Now move!" Leon shouts.

Taking action you, Helena and Leon quickly moved out as Jake and Sherry ran to the doors, you busied yourselves with shooting at his men not hearing what he spoke to one guy only to watch as another shot something at him but the guy got killed in the process. Whatever was in there he muttered 'she got me. well played' not sure what that was you three kept pursuing him when he stumbled back and fell onto an oncoming train.

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