Chapter 7

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||A/N: Okay one more chapter and this book is completely finished...again please forgive me for the ending I had actually plays a good part of redemption in the next and final book of this series, I just wanted to try writing about a relationship that felt more real than just some 'picture perfect' relationship when honestly none of them are at all no matter who it is. Arguments/fights are bound to happen so yeah...again hope you forgive me but no worries happy ending in the final book is all I'll tell you!||

The BSAA solider that dropped you all off tried to radio his team, he had hoped there was still someone alive within his unit other than just him. But he also knew not to have to get his hopes up however the feeling was still there.

Though of course by this time you, Leon and Helena along with Kuga climbed over the cars/bus getting away from the fog. Guns up and pointed out as you three walked around carefully a gas truck came around making you all jump out of the way, but luck wasn't on your side as once it fell on its side some of the gas leaked out creating an explosion that pushed you all away.

You had been knocked out for a moment, faintly hearing some gunfire going as well as Kuga's growls from above you. Your vision was blurry as you could faintly see your dog's body standing over yours growling at anything that neared you.

"I'm...okay now Kuga." You groaned.

Feeling your head you felt something wet on your fingers, pulling your hand back you saw some blood on them, seems like you had a gash on your forehead...great not to mention your wound on your back hurt worse which you could tell since Kuga whined when he saw more red on the back of your blue shirt.

Changning your bandages around your stomach which were more for your back you placed a new pair of bandages around you tightly, not tight enough that it would hurt you but enough to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, as you were busy doing that Ada was in the chopper above taking care of the undead before you all and Leon helped an injured Helena up.

"Ada! I thought she was dead." Leon comments.
"....." You didn't comment on it.

Taking the alleyway due to there being too many of that undead, as you three and Kuga were heading through Hunnigans voice was heard again.

"Leon! (Y/N)!, do you read me? Are you alright?" Hunnigan says.
"I'll live. But I've got a feeling things are about to get worse." Leon replies.
"Not gonna lie, I could be better but it doesn't matter." You replied.

As you all kept moving forward there was this messed up bloody room with a solider dead in the corner, frowning you all kept continuing on knowing you had to get to that tower either way despite all the death around you. Finding yourselves in an open place with a jeep along with a few of the undead there which was easy to take care of, a herb was inside the back seats and quickly Helena used it for your back even though you tried to tell her you were fine.

Leaving that area you all came up to a door that leads to this stair hallway, but what shocked you was that lots of undead came running you three acted quickly and began shooting your way through though of course, Kuga stayed behind you all to avoid getting harmed or infected considering you needed that dog.

After it was all done you got down the first set of stairs before stumbling around when the building around you shook suddenly. Unsure what this could be you all quickly exited the door and saw that another plane had crashed just a few feet away from where you guys were.

'Holy shit...any closer and we would've died!' You thought.

However outside was worse, the street in front of you had been covered with cars all over the place, looks like the missle went off during the middle of the city as the people around here were stuck trying to get out and must've in a panic left their cars considering the amount of the undead gosh...

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