Until she came into my life

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Tamaki's POV

It had been about two months since the school year had started, and I still hadn't received any word from Shinra about his answer. As the days flew past, I began to worry that I wouldn't ever get an answer from him.

Tamaki: "Ugh...this sucks," I sighed, poking my udon with a chopstick.

Iris: "It's okay Tamaki-Chan," Iris began, "I'm sure he's just mulling it all over still," She then explained, grasping my right hand.

It was lunchtime, and the daily rush for the udon line had already begun. The only way I got my meal was through the heavenly grace of Iris, but even so, many people still scrambled to get the food as fast as it came out. I looked over at the great struggle and sighed again. Then, a thought came to me.

Tamaki: "What kind of lunch does Shinra-Kun eat?" I asked, erecting myself like a balloon.

Iris: "I've never really looked myself," Iris replied, placing her index finger to her mouth, "But, whatever he's eating, it doesn't seem healthy enough," she then continued. Iris then gave me a malicious smirk as she came up with an 'ingenious' idea, "How about you make him a bento?" she suggested, leaning closer as to put more secrecy into it.

Tamaki: "Wh-what?!" I blurted, dropping my chopsticks on the table, "Make him a bento?! I don't even know how to cook!" I stammered, trying to catch the already falling chopsticks.

Iris giggled as she saw the dilemma I was in,

Iris: "You're so cute Tamaki-Chan," She pointed out, "I'll help you with it if you want," she then offered, catching both chopsticks and placing them in my udon.

I struggled to find the words to say to her offer,

Tamaki: "Th-thank you..." I mumbled twiddling my thumbs.

I looked out of the cafeteria window, only to see Shinra and his friend, Arthur, walking around the side of the school building. Intrigued, I grabbed my bag and pulled Iris along so we could tail them. We searched for the two boys but to no avail. Then, out of the blue, I saw Rekka waltz up to me,

Rekka: "Hey Tamaki-Chan," he sounded, waving his hand enthusiastically.

Tamaki: "O-oh hey Rekka," I stammered, averting my eyes anywhere but him.

Iris, catching on to my discomfort, soon stepped forward and pulled Rekka aside. I couldn't hear what she was saying but, I knew that Rekka didn't look too happy about it,

Tamaki: I feel bad for leaving Iris to handle Rekka but, I have to know more about Shinra-Kun and the life he lives! I thought, slowly peeking around the side of the building to see no one there.

We had lost them.

Tamaki: "Damnit!" I exclaimed, "Why does he have to be so darn mysterious!" I vented, looking around for Iris who had disappeared.

Looking around nervously, I saw Rekka running away from something. He seemed terrified of something, like a demon. There was another flash of movement swiftly following Rekka, it was-

Tamaki: "Shinra...?" I discovered.

He seemed livid, like a demon of sorts. Coming from behind him, looking dishevelled, Iris limped out. Shocked, I ran instantly to her aid.

Tamaki: "I-Iris! Wh-what happened?!" I exclaimed, looking at her bruised face and ripped clothes.

Iris: "I-It was-..." she mumbled, pointing to Rekka, "H-he's dangerous," she then explained, tears filling her eyes.

Holding Iris in my arms, I looked on to see Shinra dragging Rekka back against the wall.

Shinra: "YOU THINK IT"S OKAY TO HIT A WOMAN?!" He roared, pulling the ruff of his neck.

Rekka: "You're wrong! I'm the only one meant to be with Tamaki-Chan!" He replied, looking at me blissfully.

Shinra: "You're-..." Shinra began, trembling with rage, "YOU"RE NOTHING BUT SCUM!" He then roared, slamming a knee into Rekka's face.

There was a loud crack. Soon after, the teachers came running after Shinra and Rekka. Hinawa Sensei could be seen hauling an inanimate Rekka to the clinic. Obi Sensei was also dragging a furious Shinra away.

Shinra: "He's nothing but scum..." Shinra pointed out, rubbing his wrists.

Looking at the scene, spellbound, I looked back to Iris who had fainted from shock,

Tamaki: "I-Iris!" I exclaimed, holding the injured girl's hands.

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