Chapter 13:Rurge's demise

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After the death of Radro, Ben Jackson began to experience an weird problem with his body which causes him to vibrate uncontrollably and phases through anything he touches, Jackie noticed it and to prevent anyone from finding out Ben had superpowers he decided to make him act like he has a contagious diseases and everyone had to stay clear from him for a while, he told everyone who tried to make contact with Ben that he had cooties and everyone stayed clear from Ben for days.
Few days passed and Ben still had the problem which seemed to never go, the problem became so bad that Ben could eat anything unless he is fed because he couldn't predict when his body might decide to phase through an object, plus his vibrating body made it difficult for him to drink water. Jackie googled his symptoms but still no result was found on what the problem actually was or if it was a disease, Jackie being tired of the constant headaches he receives when he tries to solve Ben's vibration problem decides to watch a movie but something catches his attention.
He switched to News24 where he witnessed a bank robbery, having superspeed he decides not to rush unless a citizen is about to get harmed and studies the criminal. The criminal was seen wearing a black hoodie accompanied with blue jeans and white sneakers and also wearing a mask which bearer similarity to that of a jester in medieval days
The criminal had no sort of weapon in his possession and was surrounded by cops, Jackie smirked as he saw no reason to engage in his act of apprehending the criminal considering the fact that he couldn't escape.
The criminal who has being watched from the sky by newsreporters takes out three poker cards from his pocket and flicks it towards the cops. The first card missed it intended target(which was a cop) and breaks the headlights of the cop car which causes the cops, news reporters and Jackie how that could even happen.
Jackie who was alone with Ben in the club house decides to suit up with Ben and rush to the scene before the two cards could cause any collateral damage.
They arrive and everything around them is at slow motion again, the only thing which seemed abnormal was how the cards moved faster than everything around them. Jackie grabs the remaining cards before they could slice off the cop's heads while Ben rushes towards the criminal and decides to punch him so he could possibly knock him out long enough for the cops to apprehend him but his hand goes right through the criminal's face and unto the ground. Jackie moves everyone to a safer place, while Ben is left with the criminal but his unable to touch him
The criminal flings another card, this time it moved faster than the other three cards and penetrated the exteriors of the car and caused the car to explode sending Ben and Jackie flying unto the ground and everything moves at a normal pace.
The criminal enters his car and his get away driver zooms off with the car. Ben and Jackie are knocked out for some mins before they regain consciousness
"Common, I became tangible now?" Ben yelled, as he hits the ground with annoyance
"Bro its my fault, I should have known your illness would have let them go, its not your fault you weren't feeling A-ok" Jackie said, as he places his hands on Ben's shoulder
"OK, I guess your right but at least on the bright side, no one got hurt right?" Ben asked
"Hmm, yeah no one was hurt let's get back home SBD treat your vibrating situation" Jackie said jokingly, after he looks around for harmed civilians.
Ben and jackie arrive home where they remove their suits and lay back on the bed watching TV
"Bro?" Jackie said
"Yeah" Ben replied
"How's it possible? I mean how could poker cards cut through steel?" Jackie asked
"You what? I was also left shocked, do you think that dude is some kinda magician from another dimension?" Ben asked
"You may or may not be one, we just have to Meet him again and find out, but first let's go keep our suits in our usual spot" Jackie replied, as he and Ben rush to their usual spot
which was a secret room they found in the clubhouse which no one except them knew about, it was the place where his their superhero equipment and at times create tech.
Were four people, one of those four people was the criminal who robbed the bank. The second ones were dressed in casual clothing with different cartoon characters printed on their T-shirts
"Roberto, what you did was not cool" the second guy said, who had spiky hair and wore a red shirt which had jake from adventure time printed on it and black jeans with a matching red sneakers. He went by the name Alves
"Our lil magicians gig is over, done for, fiñito. It pays us lil we get 9$ everyday, that isn't cool" Roberto said, as he took off this mask and smashed it on the ground pavement.
"That doesn't mean you should use your amazing gift to steal from banks" the third one said, who had red hair and wore a leather jacket with black jeans and white sneakers who went by the name Rose.
"I discovered how my magic tricks differ fro yours, I can do card magic so good to the point it cuts through anything, now if you excuse me I got money to spend" Roberto said, as he storms off with his side shaved Pompadour feeling the cool breeze of the night
"Stop right there bro, the road your heading to, won't get you anyway ok? We are your friends and we are advising like real pals" the fourth person said, who was bald and had a well lined and trimmed beard who wore a cream colored singlet which had goku imprinted on it accompanied with a blue leather coat(unzipped) with white jeans who went by the name Ben
"Blah, blah, blah am outta here" Roberto said, as he picked up the pace and went into the night.
Who's Roberto?
What's his back story?
And Do you think Ben/Jackie can take on Roberto?
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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