Aisle 7: Answers

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Lynette was one of those people who does a line and immediately starts bouncing around like a pinball. This made our exploits immediately apparent to Ezra, who grinned when Lynette started grinding on a bar stool while simultaneously chugging Ezra's beer. "Have fun with that tonight," he muttered to Millie.

I'd only done a couple bumps of coke and had few issues keeping it together– I felt more drunk than wired– until we headed to the next bar. The new place had a more youthful, in-your-face atmosphere, blasting club music and lighting a dance floor with bright, purple and green lights. It reminded me of the bars where I'd look for potential hook-ups back at school.

The Falls crew gathered us at a round table in the back for something they called "The Question Game." It was a tricky little diversion I'd played a few times at parties in high school, usually as a warm-up to Spin The Bottle. The basis: the person you're sitting beside whispers a question to you, you answer loud enough for the whole table to hear it, then flip a coin. If tails, the game moves to the next person, everyone else drinks, and no one can inquire about what you were asked. If heads, you have to drink and reveal the question to the entire table. It's a game that gets too real too fast.

I sat at Ezra's right, and Lynette sat beside me. Though I was relieved to be next to the two people I knew the best, I also didn't trust them to go easy on me with their questions.

"I feel as though everyone's intoxicated enough to be thoroughly honest," Clyde concluded, revealing a quarter in the palm of his hand. "Ezra, as it is your special day, I'll bestow upon you the honor of asking the first question." I felt slighted when he leaned to his left and whispered to Eitan instead of me.

As Eitan's cheeks reddened, he shouted, "Lynette!" When the coin landed on heads, he buried his face in his palms. The table erupted into cheers.

"Come on, it's not that bad," said Ezra.

"What was it?" Lynette demanded, eyes wide.

Eitan drank from his beer before speaking. "He asked, 'if you had to bang one person at the table, who would it be?'"

"Oooh, such a sweetheart!" Lynette squealed, then jumped up from her seat to kiss the top of his head. Millie and I couldn't stop laughing.

When the game made its way to my side of the table, Lynette's question was whether or not I wanted a bump after the round ended. I stared at her skeptically. "That's really what you're asking?"

"Duh. Answer it, dipwad."

I sighed. "Sure." The coin landed on tails. Not like it mattered.

While I pondered a question for Ezra, he rolled his eyes. "Milo should be excused from asking me anything. We already played twenty questions together."

Lynette cackled. As the others made sarcastic comments, I leaned toward Ezra, shielding my lips from sight with my hand. "When did you have the best sex of your life, and why was it the best?"

He scrunched up his face. "Two years ago," he said slowly. "Because I'd been waiting for years to do it with that person."

"Years," I repeated.

"Years," he affirmed, then flipped the coin. It landed on tails. He seemed relieved.

The round continued in reverse order, which meant Ezra was poised to ask me the next question. He took a sip from his drink and stared at me until I met his gaze. "What?" I asked, suddenly paranoid I was doing something weird.

"I'm trying to figure out the best way to incriminate you."


The slow, seductive way he leaned in made me think he was going to suck on my neck. I rubbed my goosebumps as he spoke. "Name the person to your left and the best thing about the last time you had sex."

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