Aisle 25: Phases

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The post-sex glow hit hard, manifesting itself as a fleeting honeymoon phase. We were a couple of blushing, beaming, gooey fools while he helped me hide all fragile and valuable items in the house. Every time we crossed paths, we'd grin, or brush arms, or just pin the other against the wall for a mack session. The sticky-warm hours were topped off with a quick blowjob before Ezra left to grab booze and his roommate.

Even when Lynette was around, the flirtation was still palpable. While she lounged on the couch as we worked, she got a front row seat to our less inconspicuous displays of affection; she finally spoke up after witnessing the third ass slap in ten minutes.

"You told him. Right?" Lynette whispered when Ezra had gone to the bathroom.


"About your sex life." I stared at her blankly. "So you're telling me you trust your jocky friends to just, I don't know, withhold all their stories about you hooking up with sorority girls?"

"How did you know I hooked up with sorority girls?"

"Educated guess. Listen." She leaned in close. I noticed bags weighing down her eyes. "I don't know what you guys did today, nor do I need to know, but it's pretty fucking clear you're getting along better than usual. But if Ezra has to find out about your past from other people, this good thing you guys have is going to explode into a million sad little pieces. You get me?"

I sighed. "I guess you're right."

The bathroom door opened. Lynette leapt to her feet. "Finally! I have to pee!" she squeaked, then gave me one last stern look before scurrying past Ezra and into the bathroom.

"Gosh, she must be so worn out after doing nothing all afternoon," Ezra said sarcastically. "Where's that table you were talking about? The folding one? I'll get it set up for pong."

"The garage, should be propped against the wall, but just a second, I need to—" My words trailed off. Ezra was already heading outside.

"I don't need your help carrying a folding table, if that's why you're here," he said as I tagged along with him into the garage. Then he paused, looked over his shoulder at me and smirked. "Oh. Wait. I get it. You've recharged."

I was about to refute his statement, but he quickly put his hand around my waist and pulled me in. Feeling his tongue slip into my mouth briefly made me lose sight of my goal.

"Wait, wait, I need to talk to you about something," I murmured into his lips. Reluctantly, he pulled away, one hand still touching the small of my back. "Uhm, I need to prepare you for stuff you might hear tonight."

Ezra furrowed his brow. "Milo, I can handle dude-bros. From what I know, they talk a lot about sports and straight porn... like, a worrying amount."

I felt my face flush, knowing those topics comprised at least sixty percent of their conversations. "They're probably going to say some things about me. And things I've done."

Ezra tilted his head. "Things you've done? Or guys you've done? Because I can handle that, too."

As I looked into Ezra's eyes, filled with confidence that he could handle whatever they threw at him, I felt my resolve to tell the truth diminish.

"Guys I've done," I repeated, voice cracking, "or... you know... people."

"Oh," Ezra said at once. He retracted his hand from my back. "So you're trying to tell me you're bi."

"Yes," I blurted out without a moment of hesitation. "That's what I'm saying. I'm bi, and I've slept with girls, and I just wanted you to know the truth." As the lie left my mouth, I felt an ounce of guilt.

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