Chapter Six: Our Second, First Date

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Duncan's POV
                 I just stood there with Gwen hugging me. She squeezed me and I stared down at her confused. The anger in me was still there, but I didn't want to push her away.

       "I so so sorry, I didn't know." She said and letting go and I sighed.

               I hugged her back and rubbed her back and I saw my dorm room door open and Geoff walked out and saw us, and then pushed Bridgette back in. I didn't want to let go of her, as this brought back good memories.

       "It's okay" I replied and she nodded and then let go.

               I let go of her and she crossed her arms and looked around. She looked a little embarrassed and I saw her look around for something to say.

      "I'm...gonna go." She said looking at the ground and I just nodded as I had nothing to say.

               I watched her walk away, and I then remembered something. I didn't want her to think I was mad, which I was a bit...but I kinda deserve what she made to be honest.

      "Don't forget about our date tomorrow." I said and she froze.

             She turned and looked at me and I smirked a bit. I saw her think about what to say and she just nodded and walked to her dorm, I laughed to myself and made more time. I knew we had no class tomorrow, so it was going to be a fun Friday.

The Next Day

Gwen's POV
               I was sitting in one of my other art classes and I got a text from Duncan in the middle of it and I looked at it. Dress nice, but not all out ;) -Duncan. I rolled my eyes at his little wink face. I texted, okay, and then went back to painting. I was listening to music and it cut off as I received another text.

Why so snappy today, pasty? -Duncan

               I rolled my eyes and just went back to painting, until I found myself texting him that I was getting an education...unlike him and he sent me a laughing emoji and then said.

I only need one class, I'm that good. -Duncan.

              His ego is SO big for no reason. I texted him to go back to his jail cell as that was going to be the only job he could get and he sent me.

Whoa look who has some confidence. Is it because I'm not there or you can't see me that you have the balls to come for me like that...babe -Duncan

               Ew...babe, we aren' We're going on ONE date, since he took me to an art store. Looking back at it, I should of just had Zoey go get me something so this date wouldn't have to happen. Thank god Bridgette and Geoff were going be there. I ignored Duncan's stupid little text and continued on my classwork.

That Night

Duncan's POV
                  I was wearing a nice green plaid shirt with jeans. Bridgette and Geoff were wearing regular clothes too, and I crossed my arms. I made my way to Gwen's door. I walked to Gwen's dorm and knocked on it. Seconds later it was Mike and looked at me.

           "Gwen!" He yelled and I heard a groan.

                  I laughed a bit and Mike looked at me and crossed his arms. Zoey walked up next to him and eyed me too and put her hands on her hips. I had no idea what the fuck these two were doing, but it was starting to scare me.

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