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The light in Rizu's basement was much dimmer now, a metal sleeve covering most of the cylindrical light. It left the room in near darkness as most of the group moved in and out of uneasy sleep. Princess Vorza was lying against Bannon, the fire elemental's tan arms wrapped around her while she watched Jazun. Rizu tried to not make it obvious he was staring at her but she was breathtaking; he couldn't take his eyes away. Even in the shadows he could see her toned muscles outlined against the skin tight leather. Loordania might have lusted after her buxom sister but to an elemental; the younger princess' athletic physique was flawless. He tried contain his thoughts and just go to sleep but the aching of his joints kept him up as it did most nights.

Rizu forced himself to watch Jazun instead, his old friend sitting cross legged on the other side of the small room. He looked nearly the same as he had so many decades earlier, Rizu remembering the insane feats of power he had seen him unleash on the battlefield. Right now Jazun was staring calmly at a small green and black ball of energy that was spinning in between his hands. The glow of his eyes lit up his unfriendly face, showing his lips mouthing silent words. Analie's face was full of wonder as the black and green energy swirled hypnotically. Rizu felt a sudden warmth envelop his body, the pleasant feeling covering him like a blanket. He knew this was somehow Jazun's energy, a strange side effect of whatever he was doing. The Princess was feeling it too, scooting closer to the dark elemental as the ball broke apart into two halves.

The instant the halves touched Jazun's hands they vanished, a bright green light running up his arms before disappearing. The room felt strangely cold now as Jazun paused for just a second before starting to chant again. Another small sphere appeared in between his tattooed fingers, this one such a deep blue Rizu could hardly see it. It shook around inside of his palms like it was trying to escape before it too vanished, Princess Vorza waiting for him to finish before interrupting him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice dry and dusty.

Jazun relaxed his hands and looked up to her, his eyes blue fire.


"Do you think they're still alive?"

"The worst is certain." Jazun replied in his native tongue.

"A grim saying." Analie said sadly while looking at the floor.

The bartender's daughter quietly got up and walked the few feet from her sleeping family to sit in between Jazun and Analie, the short blue dress under her orange cloak stained with mud.

"What's going to happen to us?" She asked Jazun, rubbing the fresh waterfall tattoos on her hands.

Jazun grabbed her hands and held them in his, the girl looking up at him wondrously.

"We are going to leave this place and find our own kind. And whether they're alive or dead those responsible will be skinned alive before they die at our hands." He told her in a kind and fatherly tone, as if explaining some important life lesson all children should know.

The girl pulled her hands away to grab onto Jazun's, studying the countless tattoos that covered his skin.

"I can kill." She said abruptly.

Rizu smiled but Analie's mouth fell open, the royal heir too surprised to speak while Jazun just laughed quietly.

"I don't doubt this. I can see the will in your eyes."

"When I saw those soldiers. I wanted to stop them, to kill them. But I couldn't."

The young girl balled her fists and started to cry, putting her head against her knees.

Death of the ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now