17.A Long Two Weeks

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Los Angeles

I arrived home in mid July having spending nearly all of June and part of July in Davenport and going to Chicago nearly every day to be with Bex. I had roughly two weeks in LA by myself before Bex arrived for three weeks. This was going to be the longest two weeks of my life. Bex made me promise to FaceTime her every night which I did. Saying goodbye at the airport was tough having had Ashley and Trinity there to physically pull the two of us apart was probably a good thing. I hated to say goodbye to her there were tears on both of our parts but it was at the airport where we told each other we loved each other.
I walk into the house to find Stephen and Tiffani on the back patio.
"How was Fiji and Tahiti?" I ask setting my suitcase by the back door.
"Good," said Tiffani "How was Chicago?"
Stephen lowered his sunglasses and looked at me. "Yeah. How was Becky?"
Tiffani smacked Stephen in the back of the head "Stephen  that is a horrible thing to say."
" Bex and I are taking things slow, "I said sitting down across from Stephen and pouring myself some lemonade.
" So you guys didn't fuck? "
"Stephen?!" said Tiffani whacking him in the back of the head again that caused him to spit his lemonade out.
"No," I said "We didn't fuck.Like I said we are taking things slow. She is coming to LA next month for three weeks."
Stephen 's lips curl into a smile "So you going to fuck then?"
" Stephen! "said Tiffani.
" I know.I know, "said Stephen whacking himself in the back of his own head.


I entered Ever After back to the old routine at least for two weeks. I am heading to LA come August first. Madeline the owner is letting me go under one condition I look for places to expand Ever After in LA. If I do I can run it thus I can move to LA.
Ashley and Trinity weren't to far behind me as we entered the building. Madeline is sitting at the front desk as she was waiting for them to come in.
" Hi girls, "said Madeline "How was vacation?"
" Okay, "said Trinity who while in Tahiti called it quits with Jayden.
" Fantastic, " sighed Ashley which made Trinity and I both roll our eyes.
The girls and Adam came back from Tahiti only for Trinity and I to find out we were losing Ashley as our roommate because she was moving in with Adam, Ani and Kenny!!!
"Well good," said Madeline "Becky when you go to LA on the first I need you to hit the ground running!!"
" But I am going to go to be with Colby not to work constantly. He literally has the three weeks I am there off before he goes back to filming How Deep Is Your Love? I would like to be able to spend some quality time with my boyfriend! "I said.
" You can do that but I want to expand in LA. Remember if you find a place there you can run
it, "said Madeline.
I close my eyes because I hadn't exactly told Trinity and Ashley that.
" What?! "said Trinity "You're going to leave me too?"
I shake my head "No Trin. Actually I'd want you and Ashley with me. Adam too," I said.
"Hmmm living in LA LA land," said Trinity stroking her chin "I'm in sister."
Trinity grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
We both look at Ashley.
"Duh," said Ashley "I am LA girl at heart!"
She joined in on the group hug as Adam walked in.
"Baby!!!" said Ashley "Bex has news!!!"
" Well not yet, "I said "But if all goes according to plan. We will be expanding to LA and well moving there. Well some of us anyway."
" Us!!! "said Ashley bouncing up and down like a child at Christmas.
" I can't, "said Adam.
Ashley stopped bouncing "Why not?"
" Two words Ani and Kenny, "said Adam matter of factly.
" They can come you know, "said Trinity.
" I know that, "said Adam "But the girls maternal Grandparents and family are here. I can't rip them away from them.-"
Adam looks at Ashley who looks like she just watched her puppy get shot.
"-I'm sorry," he said as he went to hug her she shook her head no and stalked off towards her office.
"Give her time," I said placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Understand Bex. I want to. I want to be with Ash. I know Ani and Kenny wouldn't mind moving but I have to think of Sienna's family."
" Adam if you don't mind me saying, "I said "But doesn't Sienna's brother and sister in law live in Texas and her parents visit all the time. So is it that you don't want to take the girls away from them or you don't want to leave the memory of Sienna?"
Adam looks at me with a bit of shock and some anger.
I gulp because I truly don't know what is going to happen next.
"You're right," said Adam almost defeated "I can't leave Sienna behind."
" But Adam, "said Trinity "You're not. Look at Ani and Kenny!!! They have Sienna coursing threw their veins. Ani is the spitting image of Sienna. Kenny has her spunk and go get attitude. You won't be leaving her behind because she is not only with you with your girls but," Trinity said placing a hand on Adam's well defined chest "here as well."
Adam looks at both of us "I better go talk to Ash," he said and headed towards her office.
I sigh "Trin this is the start of a long ass two weeks for me."
" Don't worry Bex.You'll be back in Colby's arms again before you know it, "said Trinity draping an arm around me as I did the same to her.
" Let's go see if Ash has killed Adam or not, "I said with a smirk.
Trinity and I head towards the offices in back and we find Adam and Ashley kissing.We did an about face and walked to our offices.
Yes indeed it was going to be a long two weeks without seeing my man but Face Time would help a bit even though the screen was in no way shape or form better than having him wrap me up in his arms and kissing me. Also the screen on my cellphone would not taste good either.

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