31.The First Ultrasound

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August 2020

Doctors Office
Waiting Room

We enter the doctor's office and check in. I couldn't believe the amount of paper work they handed to Bex to fill out. She blushes at some of the questions being asked on paper.
"Goodness," she said blushing "When was your last time having sexual intercourse? I guess they get straight to the point huh?"
I rubbed her shoulder as she finished the paperwork.
"Rebecca?" the nurse called about a half an hour later.
We followed her to a room as Bex handed her the paperwork.
"Here," said Bex.
"Thanks," said the nurse as she pulled out a paper gown "Take off your shirt and bra and put this with the opening in front."
The nurse took her leave and Bex did as she was asked before sitting on the chair next to me.
"You know we'll have to go to Ireland to tell me Ma and Pa and brother right?" she asks as her Irish accent came in thick a thing that happened when she was nervous.
I gulp "I know," I said nervously "I know they know we called off the wedding but they don't know," I point to her stomach "That."
She nods "I just hope me Pa don't kill you for knocking up his baby girl before you married her," she said with a weak smile.
"Me too," I said wide eyed "Being dead in the real world that's it I'm dead."
She smirked "You're an arse you know that right?"
" But I'm your arse, "I said kissing her.
She laughed and pushed me away "But you're still an arse," she said with a smile.
There was a knock on the door and the doctor entered.
"Hello," she said with a smile "Ms. Quin," she shakes Bex hand "Mr. Lopez" she shakes my hand "I see here that you're here for your first ultrasound," she said "Hop up here and we can get started."
I helped Bex onto the table and as she laid down I go by her head.
The doctor puts the gel on Bex's stomach and picked up the wand. As she moved it around on her her stomach. I kissed her forehead.
"You okay Babe?!"

Doctors Office
Exam Room

"Fine," I said.
He smiled at me and strokes my hair as the doctor continues her exam.
"Hmmmm," said the doctor "Interesting," she looks closer at the screen "Do twins run in either of your families?"
" Not mine, "said Colby.
"Not mine ," I said "Why?!"
She turns the screen and shows us why

"Not mine ," I said "Why?!"She turns the screen and shows us why

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"Well there is Baby A and Baby B," she said smiling.
I looked at Colby wide eyed. His mouth is hanging open.
"Twins?!" I managed to say a few minutes later.
The doctor nodded "Congratulations.Baby A is measuring at ten weeks and five days and Baby B is measuring at ten weeks and two days"The doctor wipes the gel off my stomach "Ms. Quin you can change. Just throw the gown in the trash. Then you two can leave but make an appointment for next month okay?"
I nodded "Okay."
" Take all the time you need and once again Congratulations, "said the doctor as she handed us the sonogram pictures.
She leaves and I slide off the exam table. I dress silently. I throw the gown away and I looked at Colby is still standing where he was during the exam.
" Lopez? "
He looks at me and blinks "You're done?"
I nod "Are you ok?"
" Twins?! "
I laugh and take his hand "Yes Lopez. I guess when you knock someone up you really knock someone up."
" Twins? "
"Lopez you're starting to sound like a parrot," I said as we walked out of the exam room and back into the waiting room.
Colby just stayed there repeatedly saying 'twins '
over and over again while I made my next appointment.
"Twins?!" he asked me again.
I smile "Yes Lopez we are having twins. Do you want to stay here or are you coming with me?!"
Colby shook his head and looks around.
"We're done?!"
I nodded and smiled "Yes and we are having twins," I said.
The smile that spreads across Colby's face was amazing as he grabbed my face right there in the waiting room "Twins!!!" he said happily kissing me.
" Come on Lopez lets go our friends are waiting for us, "I said.
"Who do you think is going to be the most shocked?"he asked.

Our car

"You mean aside from you my parrot? "she asks smiling.
" I am sorry I was in shock, "I said pulling out of the parking lot.
"So was I but I was still able to string two words together," she said with a laugh.
"Ok for a moment I forgot I had the ability to speak," I said with a smile.
"Ok I will forgive you," she said with a smile "Wow Lopez we're having twins.Can you believe that?!"
I smile "Well we wanted more than one child but I guess we did it all in one shot. Huh? "
Bex smiles and laughed "Guess so. Here we are supposed to be taking things slow and here I am pregnant with twins. Guess you and I can never do anything like a normal couple.So when do you want to go to Ireland?"
" Well I still have a couple more weeks left of vacation because I don't have to be back to the How Deep Is Your Love? set until mid October this year, "I said "So why not in a week or so?"
Bex smiles and nods "Sounds good."
" Sounds good, "I said as I pulled into Adam and Ashley's driveway.

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