《Episode 1-Part 4: First Murder》

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Meanwhile at the second floor:
There was a maid, lying on the floor. There were bruises and wounds all over her, and tears flowing from her eyes like a stream. Serendipity was stepping on her chest, causing blood to come out of the maid's mouth. She continuously stepped on her until she fell unconscious. Seren was dragging the body away from the halls, but she had heard footsteps from behind, so she hurriedly dragged the maid to the nearest room she could find, and locked it for no one else to see.

"Are you scared yet?" Nathaniel whispered to Bea as the two walked on the staircase.
"A little." Bea whispered back, shivering a little.

They were nearing the second floor when Nathaniel saw Seren approaching them, looking like she was on a hurry. Seren's properly arranged hair turned frizzy and tangled, and she was smiling like a psycho.

"What are you doing here?!" Seren asked.
"What are you doing here?" Nathaniel asked, returning the question with a bit more stress on the word 'you.'
"Uh.... I was... busy! Yes, busy!" she replied, stuttering. "Oh, dinner is served already, now please, go to the dining room!"

Nathaniel: Serendipity seems suspicious, plus she looks like a psycho.

Nathaniel looked at Bea and whispered, "Go to the dining room. Now."

Bea: This place seems super scary. I'm outta here!

As Bea ran on the staircase, Nathaniel glared at Seren coldly and said,
"I know what you are."
As he said those exact words, the Breadwinner's eyes glowed. His eyes were like the stars for a few seconds, then he blinked, his eyes returning to its natural color, then he proceeded to go to the dining room. Serendipity glared at him as he was walking down the staircase, looking rather mad. Her black, soulless eyes glowed green with anger, then she ran to the room where she had put the dead maid in.

Randy looked at everyone as he sat on his assigned seat, then he noticed two people were missing.
"Guys, where's Bea and Nathaniel?" Randy asked.

Randy: Seriously?! No one else noticed they were gone?

The group then noticed.
"Bea's supposed to be sitting next to me." Jian says.
"And Nathaniel is supposed to be at my right." Simone added. Jian then chuckled out of nowhere.

Jian: I wonder if they're doing it.

Bea then entered the dining room and she hurriedly went to find her seat.

Joel: I wonder where Bea went.

"Bea, where were you?" Jian asked.
"Where is Nathaniel?" Simone added. Bea kept silent.

Bea: I wanna tell the group so bad that Fel's personal secretary is weird and psychotic, but this might not be the right time to tell them about that.

Nathaniel hurriedly ran inside the dining room, panting.
"Nathaniel!" Simone called and he went to the empty chair beside her.
"Where were you guys?!" Fel asked the two late guests.
"Uhmm.... I was at the bathroom." Bea replied.
"You can't be in the bathroom for too long, Bea." Jian added, facing at her.
"It's easy to get lost in this house!"
"Well, why didn't you ask Serendipity?" Fel asked Bea.
"She was wandering off." Nathaniel replied.

Nathaniel: Serendipity looks like a psycho! How does Fel even trust this creep?!

A maid entered the room, holding a white envelope. She walked towards Nathaniel and gave it to her.
"Oh, what's that?" Fel asked, looking at Nathaniel.
Nathaniel opened the envelope and he unfolded the paper inside it. He took a sip of wine as he was reading the contents of the paper that was given to him.

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