How far have you actully gone?

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Em: I absolutely love this chapter also who do you meet for potential eye candy??

March 20

I got up so early this morning so I could get ready for wherever John was taking me the only instructions I was given was to bring bathers but I brought my bathers a spare pair of clothes a water bottle my thongs 20 dollars and my deodorant. I was wearing my bathers under my clothes so my brother won't see he has an obsession with the beach and if he knows I'm going he will insist on going too. My bathers are red and white with polka dots and my thongs were in my backpack so he wouldn't see that as well he's really paranoid about everything he's definitely going to be a detective when he's older.

I could hear my mums hair dryer on so she's up already I am wearing faded army green shorts and a off the shoulder t-shirt that's a ocean shade of blue. I grab my bag and run downstairs to eat breakfast I made a piece of cinnamon toast and sat at the kitchen bench for a while. Then the door bell goes and mum rushes out of her room to answer the door before I can. She welcomes him In and shuts the door and she asks him to sit down for a chat (I'm genuinely scared for him). "So what will you two be doing to day?" "I was planning on going out for a picnic and spending the day by the lake". "Oh well that's a fine tell me something about yourself?" "Um I am the youngest person to be soccer captain in our teams history and I love school my favourite subject at the moment is English" "and why is that?" I just sit there watching as my mother questions John "English is my favourite because Beth and I are working on a project together and I enjoy working with Beth because she's so smart and caring" "Well you two run along now have a nice picnic". I grab my bag and we walk towards the door when we get out I ask him "do I bring my bike?" "Yes and also we aren't going on a picnic it's a surprise so I couldn't tell you in there" "can you tell me now?" "Not yet"we ride for a little while and then he comes to a stop so I stop as well.

Then I realise that we have stopped at Justin's house one of Johns soccer buddies. "What are we doing here?" I ask "Justin invited the whole team and said I could bring a plus one so I brought you" "wait what kind of party is it exactly?" "A pool party and we're late so let's go" we start walking in the side gate I'm assuming it's an outside pool so it would be in the backyard. Then I get a scary thought what if I'm the only girl here I didn't bring a rashie the boys will see a lot of me in my bikini. We walk in and to my relief and horror I realise that Im not the only girl here Genevieve is. No the terrible devil has to be here doesn't she, she just has to ruin everything. I smile at everyone and Justin comes over to greet us "he guys glad you could make it um the bathroom is the first door on the right Beth If you want to get changed" then John adds "I can show her she is bound to get lost in this house". John leads me into the bathroom and then he turns to me and says "are you okay sorry about Genevieve I didn't know she was coming" "it's okay and I'm fine just Ive never really talked to anybody out there" "I can Introduce you to everyone okay? get changed and I will wait here for you" don't you need to get changed to" I say looking down at him "I only have to take my shirt off".

I shut the door and change Into my bathers and tie my hair into a ponytail. As I open the door I lean towards John and kiss him, my hands around his neck he puts his hands on my waist and we kiss for a few seconds before we break apart and he looks me up and down and says "I like your outfit" then I flirtedly reply "I like you with no shirt on" then he pulls me close and we are about to kiss again when Genevieve comes from down the hallway "Justin sent me to make sure you two aren't having sex in the bathtub I tried to tell him Beth Is going to be a virgin till she's 82 but he doesn't believe me he thinks you're a bad influence on her John" then John replies "what Beth and I do is non of your business and I am not going to force her to do anything she doesn't have want to do" "whatever let's just get back to the pool" Genevieve said clearly acknowledges she's beaten. We walk out to join the others the pool is humongous it could fit 65 people in their at least! John gets in first and helps me in.

"Everyone this is Bethany-" then he stops talking and whispers In my ear "can I call you my girlfriend?" I giggle "of course" I say it like It was already certain but I was glad he asked me cause I didn't know if I could call him my boyfriend I'm glad I can then John stands up and says "hey guys guess what? Bethany is my girlfriend!" Then everyone starts cheering and whistling at us it was so funny I was going red in the cheeks. Everyone Is just chatting and Im talking to Bruce he's on the soccer team and he's sitting on my left and John is on my right when Genevieve says everyone has to play truth or dare! I was honestly scared to death knowing Genevieve and what she might pick for anyone else. Of course John tried to object but the boys held him down. So we started to play Genevieve asked everybody a question just to get things started she said "okay truth or dare" the majority of us said truth so she said "put your hand up if you've lost your virginity?" Majority of the people put their hand up except me, jack ,Bruce and(to my surprise) John and a couple others I don't know. Next Justin went and picked John and John picked dare "I dare you to kiss Bethany underwater" everyone erupted into laughter and my cheeks got as red as a fire truck. We dove under water whilst being filmed by Genevieve I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him inward and we tongued underwater after a couple of seconds we needed breath and dove to the surface.

I go to Bruce who was filming on my phone for me and rewatch the video the kiss looks so passionate for being underwater. Next was johns turn and he picked Genevieve she said "I'm no pansy so I choose dare" "I dare you to go tell Justin's mum you gave him an STI" Genevieve just stares at John and contemplates if she will do it "okay I will do it" then she jumps out of the pool and runs into the house in her bikini and everyone is laughing so hard their stomachs hurt. She runs back out and jumps into the pool splashing everything. Then John says "okay it's your turn Genevieve pick someone" "she looks right at me with her devil eyes and says "Beth truth or dare?" "Truth" I say automatically not dumb enough to say dare. "Okay if you had to have sex with John when would you do it? Choose between: in 5 minutes or 5 years?" I start biting my nails "Umm 5 minutes" everyone is dumbfounded and struck with surprise I almost feel insulted there's only one person who has a giant big cheesy smile and that's john he's clearly happy. When lunch arrives(pizza) no one talks for a while we just eat I tried to give Justin some money for lunch but he refused to take it. After everyone starts to leave John goes upstairs to Justin's room to borrow dry clothes and I go to the bathroom to change into the clothes I brought with me. Justin is outside the door waiting for me to come out so my first thought is "is everything okay?" "Yes I just came to tell you I think John loves you, and try not to hurt him okay?" "Sure I really like him as well" at that moment John comes down the stairs and walks over to Justin and gives him a hug. boy hugs aren't like girl hugs, boy hugs involve a lot of smacking each other on the back awkwardly. He steps back and takes my hand as Genevieve walks past glaring at me and calls to Justin "baby I will be in the bedroom waiting for you" "Kay" reply's Justin and then he says goodbye and runs up stairs. We walk out in silence then I say "so you're a virgin?" "Yes is that bad?" " no I just thought you were a ladies man"  "oh yeah I want to do it with the right person but I haven't been with someone serious enough to do that" "that's a good excuse for being lonely" " harsh but I can forgive you if you kiss me?" So I do at first soft and tender then passionately and intense we kiss for a while. Then got on our bikes and started to ride to my house.After dinner I go straight to bed I was so tired and could've just slept for days. But then I remember that I had school and set my alarm.

Em: So
Who do you think?
John, Mathew, Bruce & Justin
Who will win your heart ( or your body either or)
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Need help!!!!

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