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March 21

Em: Hope you love this on it is getting juicy

I woke up to my alarm going crazy I checked my phone for the time thank god I still have enough time to get in the shower. And washed my hair it was a bit oily before because of the chlorine in the pool.

I decided to where my favourite skinny jeans and a black and white striped shirt I wore my hair down and had a purple headband with a bow on it it was also purple but had yellow polka dots I put a Nike jumper over my shirt be cause it was cold.

I have a choice of whether I can go on the bus or I ride to school on my bike I went on the bus because it was so chilly I got there early like usual

I went straight to my locker and swapped my bag with my books and started to walk to science when I catch Rose and Genevieve glaring at me then Genevieve catches my eyes and looks away.

In class Cathy sat with me and we talked about the past day and it's events, "wait so you told him that you like him better with no shirt on! omg that is so hot and then what??" "Then we kissed for a bit right there in Justin's bathroom doorway but then Genevieve came and we stopped" "she ruins everything I seriously didn't know he had a think for you!" I can like instantly tell when she's lying "waitron knew?!" "In yeah he asked me not to tell you we planned the whole thing though I was never even going to watch the movie I didn't even bring money for a ticket" "wait he liked me and you didn't tell me!" "Umm so what do you have for lunch?" "I knew he was stalking me" "so are you going to continue with the story?" "Okay so we are all chatting in the pool I met Bruce he's Justin's brother he's cool" "I want juicy stuff!" "Uhh then Genevieve made everyone play truth or dare" "Okay so what was johns dare?" "Genevieve dared him to kiss me underwater we tongued for like 9 seconds then I needed air I have the video if you wanna see?" "I've already seen it Genevieve was passing it around when I got here" "shit! that's not good" "continue?" "Then I picked truth clearly! and Genevieve asked me when I would rather have sex with John either in 5 minutes or 5 years and I picked minutes" I was blushing like crazy! but Cathy's face was suddenly serious "wait hold up you a girl who had her first kiss like four days ago is suddenly open to sex?!" She said that a little loud and it hurt to hear that she thinks of me as a kid. The bell Went and we went to recess. I went to my locker where John was standing waiting for me "what's up?" "Not much how was science?" "boring as ever" "Well I'm having a soccer game at lunch with the other schools team and I was wondering if you could come so I can show off to someone?" and then he shows his goofy grin again"sure are long as you kiss me?" "Gladly" then he puts his arms around my waist and I lean back into my locker and he leans in slowly and kisses me his breath smells like a mint and he is such a good kisser I almost drop my books "he stands back because people were starting to stare, my cheeks were burning. I had arts and tech after recess then the bell went and I went back to my locker. Cathy was at my locker and she asked "do you wanna go to the library and read?" "I can't I'm going to watch johns soccer game you can come with if you want?" "No that's okay a soccer field isn't really my scene have fun though" "Kay". When I put my books back in my locker and head for the canteen I have a lunch order (a hotdog and chocolate thick shake). I get to the field and the games already began so I have to wait till half time to say hi to John I wave and cheer for him though so he knows I'm there. I'm sitting down on the benches eating my hotdog when a player comes and sits down next to me he's from the oppositions team he smiles and says hi for a moment I'm so confused who is this boy that's talking to me I don't know anyone from there team. It takes me a second to realise its Mathew from the park!. He says "hey so I guess it worked out with that guy since you haven't called me" "uhh yeah I guess so" "well good for you, you deserve a nice boy to make you happy". "Thanks so you didn't tell me that you played soccer" "well you didn't tell me you went to this school if I had of known I would've like brushed my hair and also you can call me matt" I giggle at this ( not knowing John is watching) "brushed your hair? wow you are a real gentleman!". The halftime break hit and Mathew had to go. John walks over and sits down I offer him some of my thick shake and he drinks it.then he says "so who's the boy?" "Who? Oh Matt he's a friend I met the other day" " I think your a bit more than a friend to him do you think he's funnier than me??" "Definitely not no one is as funny as you or cute wait are you jealous!" "No! but why are you talking to random boys it's stranger danger" then Matt comes back over and sits down across from us and I say "John this is Matt, matt this is John" "hi John you were pretty good out there" "thanks so how do you two know each other Matt?" Matt looks at me defensively like 'you didn't tell him!' "We met on Saturday at the park" John looks at me like you didn't tell me you were meeting other boys! Then I quickly add " I was with Sarah my cousin and she wanted to go to the park so I took her and ran into Matt and his brother Henry that's all" then Matt says "if I didn't know any better I'd think little Johnny hear is afraid of a challenge" then John gets defensive and says "what's that supposed to mean what challenge?" "I will see you again Bethany sooner than later hopefully" we than he walks off John is obviously in a bad mood "what the hell was that guys problem? Is he seriously hitting on my girl friend!" "I think it's cute your jealous" then I lean in and kiss him on the the lips tenderly then his coach yells him to come over so I learn back and he leans in again and tongues me he is the best French kisser ever on the other side of the field I see Matt staring there dumb founded I guess he didn't know I had it in me.


After dinner I decided to call Mathew as a friend, obviously. I think It would be rude to ignore him, and just cause Im dating John doesn't mean I can't have other friends that are boys.

I ring the phone and he picks up straight away.

"Hey is this Mathew?" "Indeed it is" his voice was so hot! Wait I did not just think that I don't like him, I don't even know him. His voice knocks me back to reality "so who's this?" I want to keep him guessing "why don't you guess" "Is this....... sorry I'm just no good at guessing will you give me a hint?" "Umm monkey bars" I say remembering when we first met "Well Bethany I am a little surprised by you calling me does your boyfriend know?" "No but he doesn't own me I can do how I please and hang out with who I please" "I like that you feel that way but I must tell you I will try my hardest to get you to like me like I like you" l was a little taken aback I was surprised by his efforts to gain my attention. "So tell me something about yourself Mathew I mean I don't really know you- but I'd like to" "good well......

We talked for a while then my mum came in my room and caught me off guard. "Hey honey johns here to see you" why didn't he text me? I quickly turned back to the phone to say good bye "I have to go Ill message you later" then hung up before he could say any thing else. I ran down stairs and walked out the front door and closed It so we could have some privacy. I turn to see johns eyes on me I felt my cheeks burning he was in his soccer uniform so I assumed he just finished training. "Hey what's up?" "I just came by to run something by you and if you say yes then ask for your mothers consent" my mind wondered to a million different things what does he want to ask me and my mother? "So what did you want to ask me" I said taking a step closer. His face was cm's away from mine, "so as you don't know we are rematching the team we versed today because we had a draw, it's going to be on the town next to ours and we are all going to set tents up and camp in the trees close to the soccer field. And Cathy and some of your friends are going to come and I was aloud to invite a +1 with me and I want you to come so what do you say?" OMG that's sooooo romantic "sure that would be heaps of fun but you have to ask my mum" I bite my lip suddenly worried she might not let me go. "So do you want to ask her now or" "yes but in one minute I need to do something first" for a second I was confused but then he leaned in to kiss me it was so hot (and I'm not talking about the weather) he slid his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck a light kiss suddenly turned Into a hot makout at my doorstep it was so intense I had never felt that way before and I think since our body's were touching I felt his stiff the thought of his dick made me nervous and I wondered how much he expected me to do since I was a virgin, I swear he read my mind and slowly pulled away making me regret thinking that. "Let's go in to chat with your mother.

Sorry I didn't have enough room for the rest of the day I'm trying to do a day in each chapter it's proving harder than expected
Em: So... who to choose?
Comment your ideas I'm lovestruck by both of them😍
Who do you ship??
#Mathany (Mathew+ Bethany)
#Johany (John+ Bethany)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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