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Em: So feel for you Beth i hate my cousins

March 19

So the next day was pretty on going and went on for what seemed to be forever. I got up out of bed changed out my nightie and into a blue t-shirt with a v-neck line and dark blue bike shorts. My hair was always a challenge, I simply hated my hair it was  blonde with a light brown at the root it was my natural colours, to day it is styled in the headband I got for Christmas from Nana it's red my hair is neatly placed on the sides (It almost looks like it wasn't a war to get It to look that way).

I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen I decide on porridge for breakfast and set the table according meal. Lucas my 7year old brother comes marching down the stairway "I'm gonna be late for school I just know it" I watch him run around the house frantically getting ready while I ponder on how long I should wait to tell him that  today's Saturday  we don't have school today. Then my mother walks in and says "what on earth are you doing? Go back to bed Its 6am on a Saturday!" All he's said as he glared at me was "oh sorry I did not know" "well just get to bed enjoy it while you can the peace Is not going to be here when Sarah arrives your cousin's can be loud" then I added "um I can take Sarah to the playground for the day" "that would be wonderful" replied my mother. Sarah was 5 and she gets bored very easily and when something doesn't go her way she can get very mad.

So there you are sitting In a park chair freezing your butt off so Sarah can wine about how she's to short to reach the monkey bars. So you get up walk over to the monkey bars where a little boy about Sarah's age and a teenager with him he was probably here to watch his cousin play on the playground too, he was about my age but a bit taller than me with black hair and blue eyes a grey jumper and faded blue jeans. Sarah was sitting on the side opposite to the boys her knees to her chest and the frown on her face was growing by the second. "Um is she okay?" Said the eldest boy "yeah she does this a lot it's just because she isn't tall enough to reach the monkey bars" "oh that's to bad. So what's your name?" "Bethany " "mine Is Mathew this is Henry" he says gesturing towards the younger boy. "Cool this is Sarah" " um I know we only just met but would you like to go to the movies sometime?" I think about John and our kiss and I know I can't accept "sorry but I cant" "do you have a boyfriend or something?" Sarah looks at me intently waiting for my reply "something like that" then Sarah says "wait what you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?!" "Did I say I had a boyfriend?!" I basically screeched to the to of my lungs."Well no but you didn't say you don't have one did you?" "Are you getting on those bars or are we going home?" I said gesturing towards the monkey bars. Then Mathew speaks up again "can I give you my number in chase it doesn't work out with the other guy?" He was very persistent it was charming. "Sure" then he wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. Then Sarah suddenly seems uninterested and says "I'm hungry I want food let's go".

So we went back for lunch and I had 2 missed calls  1 from Dad, 1 from John. I called dad first to see if he was okay "hey dad is every thing all right?" "Yes every thing Is fine here actually it's great I have great news!" "What could that be?" "I will be coming home early a lot earlier than we expected" "how much is a lot?" "Next week Tuesday the 26th!" "Oh this is so exciting wait here I will go get mum-"wait! Don't go get your mother it's a surprise" "oh she will love that!"

Then mum yells from the downstairs kitchen "Bethany! It's lunchtime come down here get off the phone" "I have to go dad call you later" then I hung up and ran downstairs. "Who was on the phone dear?" "Dad" "what was he talking? about is he coming home soon?" "Umm no he actually was planning to extend his trip he's having such a good time there". "Oh". For lunch I had pasta, it was pretty good but I wasn't that hungry.

I went to my room after lunch and called John he picked up straight away. "Hey" "hey you called me before?" "Yeah I was wondering what you had planned for tomorrow?" "I guess I could clear my schedule" "great I will pick you up at 9:30 bring bathers and a towel" "umm what are we going to do exactly?" "That's a surprise which you will have to wait for" "fair enough see you tomorrow" "kay see you at 9:30" then He hung up.

Half an hour later Cathy called "Hey Beth I'm sorry again about the other night I hope your evening wasn't ruined" "no it is really okay it turned out great actually" "how so?" "Well John went to the movie as well and sat with me then-"wait a minute he just happened to be there by himself watching a rom-com and you didn't question it?" "Well no and after the movie he walked me home and kissed me" "whoa, whoa, whoa slow down he kissed you or you kissed him?" "He kissed me and this isn't something you can go telling someone okay!" "Sure sure I won't tell a soul!"

Me and Cathy talked for a while about her new baby brother and how 8 girls from our class have  already been asked to jr prom and it's like a whole month away.

  Then at three Aunty Debbie came and picked Sarah and Joshua up to take them home. I was sitting on my bed just chilling when Lucas comes bursting Into my room and says "Sarah told me you have a boyfriend? Do I know him? Is he in your class? Has he kissed you?" Then I simply answered with "don't believe Sarah says to you ok? No get out of my room" "wait do or don't you have a boyfriend?" "And when did that become any of your business?" "I'll tell mum!" "Go ahead what are you going to say hey mum by the way your daughter may or may not have a boyfriend and I have no proof but I like to but my head in other people's business" "that was pretty good apart from the no proof bit" and then he runs out. After that I decide to watch a movie I go into the lounge room and start to look through the discs when my mum walks in very abruptly and says "so when were you planning on telling that you have a boyfriend" she is wearing her serious questioning face "I don't have a boyfriend" "Well I've been told different from your brother and I want to meet this boy okay?" "Okay um how about tomorrow at 9:30?" "That's very organised" "well yeah I guess so"

Then our conversation appeared to have reached the end so I went back to my room and texted John to give him a heads up "Hey you there?""Yeah what's up?""Just to let you know my mum wants to meet you""Oh cool I think I've seen her at parent teacher" "conferences" "Kay see you tomorrow".

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