Chapter 4

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sorry for allthe space I've been writin on my phone for so long that it never accord to be it'll be so spacy... sorry


"Rowan goes over there and invites him to watch a movie with us!" My friend Ali pushed.

I shook my head no and she grabbed my arm and pinched me so hard I knew it left a bruise. “Owe! “I screamed grabbing my arm.

She smirked.” Now go over there and ask him to join us!” She pointed at King sitting alone at the table drinking a cup of water.

I shook my head. “No way, if you want him over here you go get him! “I whispered yelled at her so King couldn’t hear meshed looked at me as if he could hear me, I blushed and looked down.

She smirked.” I know why you’re doing this; you have a gay crush on him, awwwwwwww!” She screamed.

I covered her mouth and glared at her. “I do not have a gay crush on him. “She gave me a knowing look as I blushed even more.

“Ok I do, I can’t help it! He’s hot but at the same time he scares the shit out of me.”I told her.

She nodded. “His y, I have an Idea how about I go ask him to watch a movie with us, no one can ever say know to me!”

She’s right, no one can ever say no to her, she always have to get her way. She’s a spoiled rich blonde girl with big brown puppy dog eyes. She’s barely 5 feet tall and she’s very pretty.

I thought about it.Did I want King to sit next to me?

Hell yes! But I don’t want him to think I have some type of crush on him….Even though I do. But still that’s not the point! He scares the hell out of me. I’m so terrified of doing the wrong thing in front of him it’s crazy.

I literally lay stiff as a board until I fall sleep scared I might accidently touch him and he’d snap and break me like twig.

“I sighed.”Ok, fine. “She smiled and jumped up and literally skipped toward ing.

“Hi king! ‘I heard her say.

He looked at her without emotion in his eye. “HI.”

She twirled her long blonde hair. “I was wondering if you’d like to sit with us and watch a movie. “She asked in such an adorable voice any man in their right mind wouldn’t say no.

“No thanks. “He told her, and then turned his attention back to his drink, she came back looking defeated.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“He said no…No one’s ever said that to me.’ She muttered in confusion looking as if someone had run over her cat.

I patted her head as she sat down. She laid beside me defeated.

“It’s ok maybe next time.”She frowned.

“Ok, fine.” We spent the past hours watching Disney movies. Why Disney movies you ask?

Because they’re the best!

We has just finished watching the Cheetah Girls when Ali had just got a call telling her to go home.

She bid me adue and kissed me on the lips.

“Bye King.”She said walking past him on her way out.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I felt myself begin to get nervous. ”What?”  I asked.

‘She kissed you, Aren’t you supposed to be gay?”He askedvery bluntly.

I nodded.”We’ve been friends for along time.”I told him.

A Love To Fight For (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now