t h r e e

20 1 0

Listen to music above if there is any.- Yelina.

Months passed by, Hoseok started getting more comfortable around the girl but they took it slow. The two sit close to each other during movie night just for everyone to wake up to find them tangled in each other's arms. Nari's head resting on his chest as his arms were wrapped tightly around her waist.

The two wake up to the sounds of giggling and chuckling just to find Taehyung snapping pictures of the couple as they slept. Nari quickly moves out of Hoseok's arms who just shrugs with a lazy smile before laying his head on the girl's lap as he curls into her thighs to fall back to sleep.

A light smile makes its way to the girl's lips as she gently runs her fingers through his head, electing a purr from the lion as he nuzzles his face against her thigh. "They're so cute." Yoongi quietly gushes as he gently strokes Namjoon's cheek who has his head laid on his lap, a book in his hands.

His gaze finding the couple as Nari shyly plays with his mate's hair, a smile on his lips before turning his attention back to his book with a hum.

Before they knew it, Nari had been a part of their family for a year. Being surprised as the boys bust through her bedroom door with a cake lit with a number '1' candle in the middle.

Taehyung curled into her side as he smiled up at her, quickly wiping away the tears that spilt over that she was trying to keep at bay. She blows out the candles with a happy tearful smile, giving each of them tight hugs, Hoseok being last as he picks her up and spins her around. The girl lets out a yelp which turns into happy laughs as she wraps herself around the lion. He puts her down before giving her a kiss on the forehead and whispering a 'Happy birthday baby.' before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

The hybrids tease the couple, mocking Hoseok's voice and the kisses he gave her which ended in everyone placing kisses all over the beaming girl's face.

Her smile did not leave her lips for a second while she was surrounded by the one's she grew to love. Her heart swelling in her chest causes more tears to fall from the girl's eyes, which hoseok wiped away giving her a reassuring smile as he rubbed her back.

The sudden whiff of the vanilla scent sent the male hybrid's into a frenzy. The constant waves of arousal leaves all of them racing upstairs, stopping outside's Nari's bedroom door. The three hybrid's look at each other with unsure gleams in their eyes.

Slowly opening the door they are met with an erotic sight, enough to pitch a tent in all of the males' bottoms as hoseok releases a low growl.

Nari desperately grinds against her pillow, trying to find a sense of release as her bare body glistens with sweat. Frustrated whines leaving her lips before pushing away the pillow to lay back on her bed with a painful whimper. Hoseok goes to walk into the room but is quickly held back by Yoongi who shakes his head.

Jin comes into sight, looking over to his mates in alarm before quickly pushing them out of the door, closing the door behind him. He releases a deep breath as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "She's been like this all morning. No matter what I do or what toy I give her she curls up and cries after she finishes then falls asleep and wakes up and it's a repeating cycle." He sighs deeply before turning back to open the door until Namjoon stops him. "Joonie.." The sounds of her painful whines is enough to make him want to curl up with her and kiss away all of the pain.

She can sense the ones she grew close to at the door as she desperately calls out their names. "Hobi....Yoongi..." A low growl is heard as Jin tries his best to keep the three angry hybrids from breaking down the door. "Be careful. And I swear to god if you hurt her I will strangle you all. I dont give a fuck about your supernatural strength." Jin quickly moves out the way, all three of the hybrids piling into the room. Hoseok was the first to strip from his clothes and make his way to the whining tigress, Yoongi and Namjoon following in suit.

The three hybrids helped the tigress with her heat, often taking turns through each wave but they mostly stayed together, for their comfort and hers. Jin called Jimin and made sure that Taehyung stayed as far from the house until Nari's heat subsided. As much as the bear hybrid argued with the decision, it was final.

Nari's heat ended almost a week later, she was bound to her room when Taehyung came back, the nosy bear still trying to make his way to the far side of the house, which was quickly shut down by Jin who stayed close to him at all times. The male was even hesitant to let the bear around her when her heat was over. She was under the gaze of her overprotective new mates who clung to her side 24/7. Thinking that their protectiveness was going to calm down as time went by but boy was she wrong..

She sat up groggily, an assortment of limbs tangled with her own, struggling to get to the restroom to relieve herself.

Until a sudden wave of nausea hit her and she pushed her mates bodies away from her own, waking them up abruptly. She leaned against the toilet as all of the contents from her stomach made its way into the bowl. Her mates passed each other worried glances, wondering if she suddenly came down with a stomach bug or something until Hoseok's eyes widened at the scent of something sweet. "Guys, do y'all smell that?" They sent him a confused glance before sniffing the air immediately shifting their glances from each other to the tigress who stared up at them with a blank gaze. "What?"

Jin didn't think about the fact that his mates had to wear condoms, his thoughts instantly going to make the young tigress' pain go away. And well.....

1,065 words.

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