Chapter 20

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"War can't kill love. Love can kill war"  - Helene Lagerberg


Uncle Max got mad when I told him Sam was still alive.

He got his team ready, gave them strict instructions and we were set.

Uncle Max is a G.I. soldier. Believe me, they are tuff peoples.

The plan was simple: Shoot everyone besides our men/women and leave Sam for me.

I was saving him for last.

I suited up.

My suit was like a second skin and had a built in bullet proof vest on the front. It was good because I could move freely in it, plus it had many pockets to hide weapons in.

I was about to start putting my weapons on when Max walked in.

"I am here to give this to you" He passed me a gun "70 45 ACP" 

The gun was beautiful. It was mainly black, but had white grips. 

It was engraved with beautiful golden flowers.

"It was your mothers favourite" he smiled "Hit him straight in the forehead"

Then he left me in the gun locker.

I looked at the gun in my hands and a tear dropped onto the impressive work and anger built up.

I looked around the locker and grabbed two Uzi's strapping them to my legs with gun belts. I put my arms through my new gun holster ,which had sword sheaths on the back, I put a CZ P-07 Duty and a Glock-17 Gen 4 inside the gun pockets.

I slung another holster across my shoulders so the gun was level with my chest and put a Taurus PT92 in it.

I slipped two ninja machete's into the holster with sword sheaths and pulled the hoodie out from under the holsters.

I coved my face with a mask that went up to my nose, it was designed to look like half a skeleton.

I did up the laces of my boots which both held a 8 inch blade on the side.

I did a once over in the mirror. I looked like a proper assassin.

I looked at my mothers gun and unzipped the front of my suit before getting a bra holster and attaching it to my bra ever so secretly so nobody could find it.

Walking out of the locker I was followed by Max's men and women.

Jennifer was to my left, she was the snipper shooter who was going to be hidden on a building next to the factory

Austin was to my right, he was going to be shooting from the other side. So there would be attacks from both sides

Harry who was behind jennifer, was going to hack into Sam's security system and bring it down.

Tark who was behind austin, was going in with my uncle.

Tark and Max were going to be distracting Sam while I sneak in and the security was going down.

I was going to get into my assassin mode and attack every living being that got in my way until I reached Jake.

But not without help.

Alex and Steven had given me their dogs ,great danes like keres and shadow.

Death and Thantos (their names) were going to be helping out Keres and Shadow by helping me. 

A full on attack, me in assassin mode and four blood-thristy great danes.

Not something you want to mess with.

Alex and Steven couldn't come with me because of goverment law but they wished me luck.

I didn't need luck

I needed Jake, safe

And Sam killed


So it is a bit short but i wanted you guys to know the preperation and all.

you meet a few new people.

Her mothers gun on the side...

and a song i found that suited this scene

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love you, ya beauties

xoxo G

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