I just stand there wondering what the hell is this place
I walk down the hall way and my phone goes off it's Johanna wondering how my new school is
Johanna is my best friend I miss her so much, she has long blondish brown hair, tall, skinny, tanned skin she is just perfect.
I just moved town from a place called Cairns to a place called Townsville
I only moved about 2 weeks ago and have started at my new school The Cathedral School yeah I know it's a boring name
A girl comes up to me and says "hey I guess you are knew hear" I reply "yeah" the girl says "what grade are you in" I say "10" then she says same then what's your name I say "rose" then I ask the same "Emma"
Emma seam like such a lovely girl just so normal. She is about my hight with long brown hair and very skinny.
Emma then says "come with me" so I do
I find my self surrounded in people asking what my name is where I came from and other stuff
Emma just said "everyone shut up" and we walked away to a bench where to girls were at
There names where Storm and Katie
Storm was probably one of the most prettiest girls, with long brown hair tanned skin she is beautiful
Katie had long brown hair, and she is quite tall.
I think to myself have I made friends or are these the rude girls.
The bell rings Katie says "Come on you can sit with us" so I just gather I'm in there class
Emma leans over to me "we have one more lesion of math then English" I reply "yay?" but thinking what??
Soon the bell rang for lunch thank godddd
Storm took my for a tour around the school then she took me to meet the boys
I guess there were some attractive boys but only a few
one boy really stood out I think it was because he kept looking at me
As storm and I walked away "storm who is that boy there" she said "his name is Nathan why oh do you like him?" "No" I instantly said well not yet anyway
Storm then took my to see the girls they all seemed quit nice