It was already the second week and I was getting to make friends quite quickly
I did like Cathedral lots better than my first school in Cairns
One boy in my class called Oscar was probably one of the most annoying kids ever he
would always call out and be really mean to everyoneAll of my friends had boyfriend like Emma and Matt, Katie and Ethan, Olivia and Ben
I didn't witch dose make sense I did Come to this school only 2 weeks ago
There was someone I had a bit of a crush on but I didn't tell anyone till
Emma said to me "so I know that you only moved hear a few weeks ago but do you like anyone"
I went really red but didn't want to tell her but I said "I don't know I guess a little"
Emma said "who who who" and I guess I had to answer so I said it "Nathan" Emma kind of looked at me a funny way the said "ok cool"The day rushed past really quickly then finally it was Friday
"Ok so double English then math" storm said to meBreak came really slowly like the classes took for everrrr
As I walked to oval with Katie and Storm, Emma came running to me saying ROSEEE COME HEAR
"He likes you he likes you" she said I was really confused "what" I said then Emma said "Nathan likes you"
I started to blush "really?"