It is the 5th week of school and I'm fitting in quite well everyone seams nice it couldn't be better
The one and only thing I miss about Cairns is my best friend Johanna I miss her hugs when I'm sad and need cheering up
My birthday is coming up only days away no one knows about it yet well I don't think so
When it's my birthday all I can think about is what my mum is getting me
My birthday is on the Wednesday and it's Monday ahhhh I wish it was today
I came to school and as normal its double math then french then final lunch
I planed on telling Gemma one of my new friends she is absolutely beautiful, kind, caring ect well I planed on telling her it was my birthday hoping she wouldn't tell anyone
The bell rang for lunch and I asked Gemma if I could talk to her and I told her it was my birthday she seamed very surprised and said what do you want of corse I said nothing just not to be rude
1 more day left And I hate how that seam like for everI felt like everyone was talking behind my back but I just ignored them
I got woken up by my mum say wakey wakey rose happy birthday then singing it "omg please stop mum we all know you are a good singer but not now please"I walked out to the lounge room and saw the table full of presents mum gave me my card first and it had a peace of paper in it, it said
Dear rose
I know you are missing Johanna so much
And want to see her
So she will come for a visit this Friday till Sunday
Love mum xxI screamed and ran and gave mum a big hug I'm so exited to see her
Hey everyone I'm sorry I haven't been writing long chapters and haven't been give my notes but hear is one❤️ please follow me on Instagram lydia.welldon thank you keep reading - Lydia😽