JStrategy :-Weavile GX
Move your Energies how do you want.-Greninja & Zoroark GX
Dark Pulse.
You will have a lot of Energies, so that is for it.-MegaSableye & Tyranitar GX
What a nice attack! You will take 4 prize cards for TAG TEAM Pokémon.
-Umbreon & Darkrai GX
Very nice attack! This is sniper GX Pokěmon on your opponent's bench.
-Hoopa GX
Search you two cards. Nice.
If your opponent has some prevent-damage-from-GX-EX Pokémon you will kill him with Weavile or with Absol.-Absol
Your opponent's Active basic Pokémon gets +1 retreat cost.-Dusknoir Prism Star
Charge you with two Energies from your hand once.-Morgan
Charge you with erergies if you will have luck.
I play there expensive Pokémon attacks, so I must have lot of Energies.-Pokégear
Search you the supporter you must have.- more ENERGIES
Pokémon TCG Decks😉
RandomAhoj! Zabývám se strategiemi Pokémon Decků a napíšu vám nějaké ty moje nápady . Budu psát více v Angličtině, jelikož zní u Pokémon karet líp. Pokud by někdo potřeboval pomoct sestrojit si Pokémon Balíček a neví co a jak, budu moc rád, když nap...