JStrategy :
New Pokémon with old and famous attack First Impression! And he is water type! That makes lot of advantages. He can use the Aqua Patch, Crusher Wake, Dive Ball, Lana,
Cyrus and awesome one: Switch Raft.
This deck with Switch Raft will be great.-Manaphy
Makes your Pokémon with water energy attached to it without retreat.-Keldeo GX
Prevents damage from Pokémon GX and Pokémon EX.-Articuno GX
Move to bench your active Pokémon.-Sandslash
The greatest attack that cost 0 energy.-Tate & Liza, Switch, Switch Raft, Float
Stone, Escape Rope and GuzmaJust switching.
-Mount Lanakila
Are you asking: ,,Why? It just makes one more retreat for basic Pokémon."
I have switches. I don't need retreat energy ^,^.-Energy
Pokémon TCG Decks😉
RastgeleAhoj! Zabývám se strategiemi Pokémon Decků a napíšu vám nějaké ty moje nápady . Budu psát více v Angličtině, jelikož zní u Pokémon karet líp. Pokud by někdo potřeboval pomoct sestrojit si Pokémon Balíček a neví co a jak, budu moc rád, když nap...