JStrategy :
-Kingdra GX
Very powerful attack- hydro pump.
She can save itself with second attack- switch itself.- Keldeo GX
Prevents damage from Pokémon GX and Pokémon EX.-Quagsire
When you use the second attack of Kingdra GX you can move energy from her to the new active Pokémon.- Switch Raft
Save your water Pokémon.-Max Potion
When you move the damaged Kingdra from active Pokémon, after moving energy, you can use Max Potion to heal all of damage on the Kingdra.- Team Masked Royal, Aqua Patch
Get you some energy into play.-Cyrus Prism Star
Eliminate TWO of your opponent's benched Pokémon- chance to win.- 9 Energies
Pokémon TCG Decks😉
RandomAhoj! Zabývám se strategiemi Pokémon Decků a napíšu vám nějaké ty moje nápady . Budu psát více v Angličtině, jelikož zní u Pokémon karet líp. Pokud by někdo potřeboval pomoct sestrojit si Pokémon Balíček a neví co a jak, budu moc rád, když nap...