candy bars

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                                         --chapter three--

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'friends till the very end . save my soul , drown my fears . feed me beers. I'll be just fine'

the next morning Angelina Goldy woke up in a bed that wasn't her own . this wouldn't be the first time this had happened,  however when she turned over there was no warm space filled next to her and she wasn't naked.

then the memories of the disaster that had happened last night filled her mind and she groaned loudly . fuck . it wasn't a twisted dream.

axl had made her quickly back a bag before she could change her mind and drove them back to his home. 

the younger girl still didn't know how to feel about her decision to stay with the singer but then she remembered why she was doing it , she was going to get better for her daddy.

ruffling her messy hair she yawned loudly before chucking the cover off herself and stepping out bed , whimpering slightly as the warmth left her body.

picking up her hoodie off the floor she slipped it over her camisole and hello kitty shorts before walking across the room and opening her door.

axl had let her stay in one of his many guest rooms , of course picking the one closest to his incase she needed him . among other reasons that he wasn't ready to admit.

peering down the corridor she huffed to herself as she began to walk down the stairs , multiple voices meeting her ears as she paused mid step before shrugging to herself.

axl had said to 'make herself at home' and that was what she was intending to do . 

skipping down the last few stairs she rounded into the kitchen , seeing two familiar faces sitting at the marble table but she ignored them instead heading straight to the fridge.

she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning , she was hungry as fuck .

the conversation stop immediately as she entered the room , duff and slash looking at Angelina with wide eyes as she raided his fridge before looking over to axl who had gone quite and was watching her as well.

pulling two eggs out before grabbing the bread and turning around , looking blankly at the three men staring back at her.

nodding to them she turned back around and turned on the stove grabbing the closest pan before getting to work on her breakfast.

slash cleared his throat hoping to get her attention only to be ignored "um, hello?" he spoke up shutting duffs dropped mouth with his other hand.

"hello." she responded back smiling to herself but not turning around as she stirred her eggs.

"what the fuck is Angelina goldy doing in your kitchen axl?" duff blurted out loudly as he looked over at him with wide eyes.

axl shrugged as he grabbed himself a apple , taking a bite of it so he didn't have to respond.

Angelina finally turned around with her plate of scrambled eggs on toast in her hand , taking a seat opposite them on the table as she dug in .

"I'm staying here." she told them bluntly as she swallowed her food " problem?" 

duff quickly shook his head as he looked between the two in shock "no . but why? I mean axls the worst roommate you could possibly have." earning himself a glare from said man in response.

laughing slightly her blue eyes shot to duffs as she examined him before nodding to herself , he seemed pretty cool .

"he kidnapped me and won't let me leave . help " she joked stabbing the fork into her eggs as she snorted to herself .

slash and duff laughed loudly as they watched her 

"i'll sneak you out into the boot of my car later." slash pretended to whisper with a wink as axl scoffed loudly .

"alright , shut up you pricks!" he shouted although a smile was present on his face as he grabbed two colas , handing one to Angelina casually .

duff looked at him with a offended look " and what about me? I'm parched too baby!" he said in a girly voice as he flipped his blond hair.

giggling Angelina opened her own and took a sip before speaking " its okay sugar tits . you can have him , he stinks anyways." 

duff gasped loudly as slash laughed hysterically 

"sugar tits! i'll have you know I'm more than just tits!" duff shouted offended as Angelina peered up at him with a smirk.

"sure you are sugar tits." she stuck out her tongue at him before looking over at  axl

" what do you wanna do today?" she asked curiously not wanted to be stuck inside all day , the feeling of being trapped not being one she liked.

axl looked over at her with a smile " up to you." he said before walking over and taking a seat beside her.

slash cleared his throat loudly "I think you mean what are we gonna do today young lady." he said arching his brow at her.

axl rolled his eyes before grabbing Angelina's left over toast and eating it earning himself a glare and a slap on the arm .

"dick." she muttered playfully before looking over at the guitarist .

"what do you wanna do then slash?" she asked not minding hanging out with the guys , they seemed pretty cool and funny to her.

he pondered it for a minute before smirking "to the bar!" he shouted happily as he stood up out of his seat .

Angelina copied him but not before pulling a strand of axls hair lightly as he huffed slapping her hand away as she laughed .

"to the bar!" she repeated jumping onto slash's back causing him to stumble forward before catching her .

axl groaned to himself as he watched slash spin around with Angelina on his back , looking over at duff pleadingly .

he didn't want to go to a bar. in fact he was hoping it would be just him and Angelina today but of course his idiot friends had to butt in ! 

duff only shrugged " I can't believe you have Angelina staying with you. you lucky bastard!" he muttered nudging his shoulder as he stood up to join them .

"axl !" Angelina shouted as she ran upstairs to change her clothes .

peering up at the stairs as he shouted back "what ?"

"can you get me some candy to take with us?!" 

it was quite for a moment as slash and duff watched axl smile and shake his head before walking over to a draw and pulling it open revealing it full to the top with different types of sweets.

grabbing a random bag he went to turn around only for duffs voice to interrupt him 

"I want some too!"

SWEET ANGELINA (AXL ROSE)Where stories live. Discover now