💫🌾🌻тнe coɴғeѕѕιoɴ🌻🌾💫

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-chapter 7-

Kirishima's POV
I woke up next morning and got ready for school,when I was finished I walked out of my house to start the day and while I was walking I started thinking what would Kami do? Would he just reject me? Or will he say yes? *sight* "will just see what happens" I mumbled to myself and noticed that I already made it and saw Kami trying to bother Kat while Sero was probably trying to stop him so he wouldn't piss him off too much.

Time skip to end of school cause I'm lazy and im running out of ideas ŲwŲ

Class ended and we all walked out and headed to our own house,I had to be ready and head early to the park so I could confess to Kami so I got home and put some ripped jeans on with a black hood that had 'Mood' in the middle because I didn't want to go with a suit and stuff. After I bought some chocolates and put them in a backpack I left my house and started heading to the park.

Denki's POV
I got home and saw it was 2:25 so I had some time to get ready and went to take a shower after I finished I got dressed on some black Jean's with a white tshirt and a jacket,I saw it was around 3:20 so I decided to head to the park and see if kiri was there already.

Time skip ÒwÓ

Third person POV
Kiri was already in the park waiting for Kami to get there,he had and idea to were to take him and he was sure he would love it. After a few minutes he saw Kami walking towards him till he made it there "Hey bro" Denki said looking over Kiri "Sup dude" he said back as he started feeling nervous "So, are we gonna go anywhere?" "Oh yeah, but first I need you to close your eyes when I tell you to" "ok...then let's go" Kiri and Kami started walking until they got there and Kiri asked Kami if he could close his eyes,so he did and Kiri grabbed him by his shoulders so he could guide him.

After a few minutes they finally got there and Kiri told Kami he could open his eyes.

Denki's POV
Kiri told me that I could open my eyes so I did, I rubbed them a little till they finally focused and saw a beautiful field that had diferentes types of flowers and I noticed that we were standing in a place that had Rose's and Sunflowers surrounding us,I looked at kiri which was smiling at me and he started talking "Kami , I've known you since we entered UA and well we've been great buds since then and well through out the years I started having this feeling around you that felt like I was safe with you and that smile of yours gave me warmth" I had my hand over my mouth because I couldn't believe what was happening "so I decided to bring you here to tell you something really important....

Denki Kaminari....

Will you be....

My boyfriend?

I had no words at that point I was so shocked and I even felt tears stream down my checks, I ran and gave Kiri a hug and said "Yes" while looking at him in the eyes "I would love to be with you Kiri" he gave me a warm smile and hugged back ,we stayed like that while the sun was going down , I heard the wind make the flowers move and waves of the beach that was on the other side and well it was relaxing being in his arms..

I liked it

A lot

After a while we decided to go to his house to just hang out for a while.


Word count: 655

Wow I finally had some time to finish this chapter TwT I hope you liked it, yeah I ain't the best writer but ye I tried my best ÚwÙ thanks for waiting and thank you to all of those amazing people who are reading this.now I'm gonna go so

Bye bye bbs -3•~

🌹🌻~R̲o̲s̲e̲'s̲ ̲A̲n̲d̲ ̲S̲u̲n̲f̲l̲o̲w̲e̲r̲'s̲~🌻🌹 K̲i̲r̲i̲k̲a̲m̲i̲ ̲S̲t̲o̲ryWhere stories live. Discover now