✿ Marilyn: Graduation & Goodbyes ✿

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the day of graduation...

GRADUATION DAY had arrived quicker than expected. I was dating him now, and Sabrina had no choice but to tolerate me. Ailee didn't like me, but I got used to it. Kai and Selena stopped talking to August after everything that happened, and I didn't know how to face him either. Selena didn't want to speak to August because it would lead to drama. I was still trying to lose whatever feelings that lingered towards him. He seemed to be doing fine without us.

I looked in the mirror, trying to fix my hair. It was straightened and curled at the ends. I wore a sage green sleeveless spaghetti strap satin dress with matching high heels and light makeup. Selena was still sleeping. I thought about Kai, who became my boyfriend over time. Our relationship truly blossomed under the stars from that party. He asked me to be his girlfriend at prom under the stars. The best part was going on field trips with the people who I cared about the most. Either way, it was a new chapter in my life where I'd have to say goodbye to everyone.

"Get your ass up, Selena, before we're late," I said.

No response.


She yawns as her eyes flutter open. "Damn, I was just wishing this day would end."

I smiled.

"Are you ready yet?" I asked, applying a tint of matte lip gloss to my lips.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready to be fucking graduating. Then, sleep afterwards."

A half hour later, we found ourselves standing amidst a sea of students at school. Dressed in our caps and gowns, the symbols of our hard-earned success, we were waiting in line. The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of nostalgia. The chatter of excited graduates filled the air, punctuated by the occasional laughter and cheer. The sun was shining brightly, casting long shadows that danced around us. The moment we had been waiting for was finally here.

Selena's exhilaration fills the air as she embraces her new boyfriend, Leonardo, in a tight hug. We spotted him amidst the crowd of students anxiously waiting in line for their turn to graduate. After Selena's breakup with Damian, she moved on and coincidentally met Leonardo at the same place where I crossed paths with August: Brontes. The serendipity of meeting at Brontes made me wonder if it was fate. Leonardo was nice to both Selena and me, even though I didn't know him well enough to figure out if he really was caring towards my best friend or if it was a facade. I didn't want her to get hurt after what happened with Damian. Still, I didn't really pay attention to her dating life because I had been mostly preoccupied with spending time with Kai. Most people would cheer for their best friend entering a new relationship, but I couldn't help but wonder how long it would last. My past experiences have taught me that relationships often come to an end, just like my parents'. Although I occasionally envied Selena's uncomplicated life compared to mine, I could never hate her but I was happy for her. I was going to miss her invading my window and being around her.

I had hoped that the time apart from Selena would give me some breathing space and a chance to feel liberated on my own. However, something unexpected happened. Selena had always been there for me, but she had forged her own path this time, and for once, I couldn't keep up. She left me to navigate on my own, and strangely, I was content with it. She deserved to have good things in her life, and perhaps I did too. Lost in my thoughts, Selena's voice snapped me back to reality. "It's fucking graduation, but it's a miracle I survived Langley's class thanks to your boyfriend."

I flashed a smile as I joined the flow of graduating seniors, the line moving at a leisurely pace. "Yeah, I can't believe it either. You got lucky."

As I looked up at the sky, enjoying the warm embrace of the sun, a pair of hands grabbed my waist, bringing an immediate smile to my face once I recognized them. It was Kai. "Hey, Luna. I've missed you, so I thought I'd bother you," he said, grinning, before cupping my face and kissing me softly. When he pulled away, I straightened his tie with my hands. "I can't wait to graduate right now. You know I might go to the University of Miami since I got offered an athletic scholarship from them."

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