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Awake, I opened my eyes to see a wire  cage, so grey and clear. I was walking out to the street, I think. Then can't recall at all a single thing. The whimpers and barks of the other dogs around me were giving me a headache. I stared out the wire door and sniffed. It smelled like medicine, fear, and mostly other dogs. I jumped at an excited yip from the crate beside me. A young Yorkie stared at me with wide eyes. "You're finally awake!" he yipped, "You came in with a bunch of cuts and bruises and you were asleep. After awhile most of us thought you had gotten cold coldsleep and died but you came back! How did you get hurt? What's your name? What type of dog are you? Why-"

"One at a time, please" I cut him off.

"Sorry, I'm told I talk a lot."

"It's fine. No worries" I assured him. I was a young dog, though not as young as him. A Husky, as most called me. Beautiful and silvery some would say. 
"To answer your questions, I do not recall how I got these injuries. My name is Snowshade, after the shade on the snow underneath a tree, and I am a Husky"

The tan and black Yorkie cocked his head and stared at me with beautiful amber eyes like the fall sunshine,
" Never heard of a Husky before..."

I rolled my snowy blue eyes (another place my name came from) "Alright then" This pup was going to be a pawful. I started looking around and sniffing for a way out. The Furless that walked by were all draped in white or blue. They were taking dogs through white doors. Some came back, others didn't.  The pup looked extremely excited when one of the Furless passed. Why is he so happy to see her? They're the ones who trapped us here! I thought, confused. Then, the  Furless stopped. She turned and walked up to the cage with the Yorkie in it. She opened the cage and he walked right up to her. She was stroking him and was talking to him softly. I was baffled when he let her pet him! They're our enemies, the ones who trapped us here! He started licking her face and she pulled back, amused. He barked happily as she fed him a juicy looking piece of meat. Then a jolt of realization struck me. He's her pet! A slave to the furless! I stumbled back, hitting the wire on the cage. He turned, confused. "Are you alright?" He asked with an innocent look.

"You're her pet!" I exclaimed in disgust.

"So? It's not like I'm doing anything wrong."

I looked at him in shock, " You dont even know what it's like being a real dog. All you do is get pampered all day!"

"And I suppose YOU would know what being a 'real' dog is like?"

" I have a pack, out in the woods. We border another pack. We're constantly fighting over food and territory. We have to hunt for our food every day. It's not handed to us in a plastic dish so we can eat whenever we want. We always have each others backs. THAT'S what being a real dog is all about. " I stated confidently. The pup looked awestruck. Then he shook himself.

" I hope you get back to your pack soon, then. Sounds fun out there......" he said wistfully. He sounded annoying. I tried to ignore him and start clawing my way out of the cage. He looked at me with amusement lighting his eyes.

"You should try to make friends with them. I know you dont want to, but they'll open the cage if they trust you. Then you'll be able to get out and find your pack." He suggested.

I hesitated. I didn't want to make friends with the Furless, but if I did I could get out. His idea sounded stupid, but I needed him to get me out of here. My pack needs me. I faced him.

"Tell me what i need to do."

686 words in this chapter. The original was only about 241 words. I cut some parts out and stuck a lot of new parts in. If you have any suggestions on the next chapter's content, please comment what you think will happen. Bye for now! ;)

Snowshade and LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now