Pearl x Reader

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Danger Zone

Okay, I find this hilarious but sadly, the reader is not sonic or Jesus and doesn't walk on water. Let's just assume that they live close to where the strawberry fields are. Also, gems are super intelligent, especially pearl so if the reader doesn't speak English based on where the flowers fields are, then pearl probably understands them anyway.

But if you don't like that, the reader can teleport and is also tri-lingual because why the heck not.

Your POV:

I smiled as I walked through the massive field of red and green. Giant weapons littered the ground as I walked among the strawberry fields. In my hands I held my phone, a small sketchbook, and a pencil pouch. I walked down the worn trail, looking for a place to sit and sketch, while admiring the beautiful butterflies that were scattered around the field.

I eventually found a place in the shade with a good view. I sat down and played some classical music on my phone, pulling out my pencils and opening to a new page in my sketchbook.

My eyes flickered up to the scenery laid out in front of me from time to time as I sketched out the shape of the fruit and weapons that laid out across the land. I smiled contently to myself as I continued, losing my conscious to my train of thoughts.

I always wondered what happened here. Why was there giant weapons? How can strawberries be this big? Was there a war that I didn't hear about? These are all constant questions that rang through my head everytime I came to this place.

I remember finding this field about a year ago on a long walk after a bad breakup. This field helped to put me at ease, yet I never understood how or why? How could a field with weapons of every sort, obviously a part of a great battle make me feel so calm? I guess I'll never understand myself.

I jumped as I heard loud footsteps nearing me. 'Must be a wild animal... ' I thought to myself. I stood up, planning to hide, when a form came into view. It was large and blue, with almost monster like features on its body. It had to be at least 7 feet tall, if not more. What I assumed to be hair or fur covered its body, along with sharp spikes ranging on a variety of different sizes.

It's head turned in my direction, suddenly charging forward. I froze in fear before dodging last minute. 'What the fuck is that thing?!'

Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be a gem embedded into the monsters body. It was located on the outside of the animals paw, and glimmered in the sunlight.

The animal turned around and stared at me, charging at full speed once again. I was too slow to dodge this time. The animal tackled me to the ground and stated to sniff me.

My heart beat raised at a dramatic rate as I thought small moments in my life until this moment.


"(Y/N)! Hurry up! We're gonna be late for dinner!" My mom yelled at me. I ran a brush through my (h/l) tresses before rushing down the stairs. I yelled as I fell down the stairs, a sharp pain now present in my leg. I tried to stand up, but ended up falling down, realizing that I probably broke something.


My eyes glimmered with joyful tears as I saw my art displayed in this gallery. My friends came up from behind me and congratulated me on my accomplishment. I smiled as they took the picture of me and my partner in front of my masterpiece


I walked into my partners apartment, planning to surprise them once they got home from their late shift at work. I walked into the dining room, setting out the Chinese I bought for us, so we could have a chill night, and then waited, hidden from the front door's view.

The door opened minutes later, as my partner stumbled in messily, someone held in their arms as they made out right in front of me. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as sobs racked through my body. Suddenly, their eyes we're on me as my partner had a look of shock on their face.

I didn't say a word, and left the apartment, slamming to door behind me.

I was slammed with texts and calls from them, saying that they were sorry, that they would change, that they wouldn't cheat on me again. I ignored it and moved on with my life, not wanting to get left behind.


I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, ready to face whatever heaven or hell would bring me. Suddenly, the large beast was knocked off me. I looked up in surprise to see a thin woman standing there, brandishing a spear and holding a gem stone in her hand.

She made a bubble around it and tapped the top, sending it to God knows where. The beast was gone, it probably ran off or something.

The woman looked at me, and my eyes drifted to the pearl embedded in her forehead. She leaned down and held out a hand for me to grab, which I gratefully took. She pulled me up and asked if I was injured. I simply shook my head no as she sighed.

"Thank you.... for saving me, even though I didn't exactly see what happened" I said quietly.

A light..... teal....? blush dusted her cheeks. "Oh, it was nothing, just a normal days work." She shrugged off my praise.

"Can I take you on a date as 'thank you' for saving me....?" I suddenly asked. This girl was cute, I wanted to know her.

" Uh... Sure, I guess. I will see you here at 4 p.m. sharp tomorrow then.... " The girl replied. She turned and started to walk away.

"... Wait! " The girl looked back at me with a questioning look. "W-what's your name....?" I timidly asked.

"Pearl. And you are?"


She nodded and walked away, leaving me to ponder where I got the courage to ask out someone I just met. I walked over to my stuff and scooped them up I to my arms, walking away from the recent fight scene.

A blush dusted my cheeks as I thought back to the girl. "I hope you actually come tomorrow..... " I whispered to myself. I looked behind me real quick, and smiled. I turned around and continued to walk home.

"What an interesting day."



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