Faltering words - Chopin Ballade No.1

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"Where words fail, music speaks." - Hans Christian Anderson

Gale will never forget the day she heard the first note of Chopin Ballade. 

From the dimly litten music hall, the pianist sat on the bench as if kneeling in front of an altar, preparing to make his prayer. When the music began to flow, Gale visibly shivered. The chords struck her like lightning, traveling down her spines, echoing a story she couldn't quite comprehend. Her body sank to the bottom of the piece, swept between the ancient language that wasn't entirely human. 

"It was beautiful, wasn't it?" Her mother asked when the concert was over. 

No. Gale shook her head in silence.

Beautiful wasn't the right word. There was something more to it. Something she couldn't quite articulate. 



"We have arrived, ma'am," the coachman announced as he pulled up at the entrance. 

So this was it, Gale let out a sigh as she looked up at the spires of the old gothic-architectured school. There at the front gate, faded letters covered with vines read:

'Meldovern Music School for the Gifted.'

Meldovern. How many times had Gale heard about this school? For every New Year, for every Christmas, for every freaking Thanksgiving dinner, some far-away family members will bring it up with a turkey grease on his lips - so, Mrs. Smaragdos, is your daughter preparing to enter Meldovern? - followed by her mother's enthusiasm and urging Gale to play a piece after desserts... just the memories about it made her want to crawl back to her bed already.

You are not from Handorr if you haven't heard about the Smaragdos family. The Smaragdos family is one of the wealthiest and the most influential noble families in Handorr for centuries, fattening their assets by international trades. All the Smaragdos family - Mr. Smaragdos and his six sons were working as the leaders of the country's economy, oh well, except Gale. His father has given up on raising Gale as a tradesman from an early age when Gale was more interested in listening to the ducks quack by the Council harbors. Since the Smaragdos were frequently publicized as a cold-blooded family, Mr. Smaragdos thought raising his youngest daughter as a musician might alter this negative image a little.

So yes, Meldovern it is! 

Every renowned musician for centuries has graduated from this very school. Gale should feel proud of herself, but to be honest, she didn't feel like she belonged here. Not at all.  And maybe, this was true. Her family title 'Smaragdos' would have played an effect more than her actual violin performance during the audition. Gale was just about to pick up her suitcases and get back into her carriage and to her home (which took 2 whole days) when the voice stopped her.

"Ms. Smaragdos! We are delighted to see you."

Gale turned around to find an old woman standing beside the carriage, smiling widely. The dean of the musical performance division, Mrs. Anne, stretched out her wrinkly hands with too much enthusiasm. 

"Nice to meet you too," Gale stuttered, trying to comb down her overly unruly hair from the carriage ride. 

"Your father's donation to Meldovern was greatly appreciated throughout the years. We are very happy to finally have the Smaragdos family in the school," Mrs. Anne hurriedly waved to the coachmen, ordering him to unload the luggage. 

Some of the students who were walking past the entrance shoot a curious glance toward Gale. Great. The first day of school and she was a superstar already. All thanks to her father who made sure Gale rode to school in the most extravagantly decorated coach possible. 

Typical Smaragdos flexes. 

"I will accompany you to the dormitory, Ms. Smaragdos. Show you around the school as well," Ms. Anne extended her arm to the gate. 

Gale picked up her suitcases and hesitantly walked towards the vined wall. As she entered the campus, her emotion turned from anxiety to complete awe. The school was absolutely beautiful. Old trees lazily shaded the roads. Cleanly cut grass and flowers carpeted the ground. The school buildings were built in a gothic style with ivies crawling to the wall. 

"The campus is beautiful and the forest surrounding the area is also magnificent, Ms. Smaragdos. The trees are so tall and dense that no sounds can escape nor come into the forest, making the campus silent from and to the outside world. This is why the forest is called 'The Forests of Silence.'"

"I see," Gale nodded. 

"I wouldn't recommend exploring there though as people get lost there all the time. Some students are known to smoke there and cause trouble as well. Of course, we wouldn't expect such a nuisance from you, Ms. Smaragdos." 

The tour completed shortly when they arrived in the dormitory. 

"Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything," Mrs. Anne tapped Gale lightly on the shoulder before she left. 

Gale stood beside the dormitory door, feeling the air. Old woods creaked beneath her shoes as she dragged her luggage to the room. The dormitory was bustling with students moving in, and she could pick up a random conversation here and there. 

"I saw a school luthier going up the stairs just now. Someone broke their violin already?" 

"I heard it was to deliver a new violin for a student."

"A new violin?"

Gale's ears perked at the conversation. That's weird. Why would someone get a new violin right at his or her matriculation day when a class is going to start tomorrow?

"The order came from the Anderson family. I heard the family is sponsoring a new student here, a... commoner."

"A commoner?" The voice sounded surprised. Gale too stopped in her track for a moment at the news. It was extremely rare for a commoner to matriculate into a prestigious school and let alone be sponsored by the Anderson family, one of the most renowned musician family in Handorr.

"Yes, I heard the student's name was Newton Frost..?"

"Not gonna lie, the name sounds like a commoner's." 

"Hope he doesn't play like a commoner too."

"And cry like one."

A burst of laughter drenched into other noises in the corridor, flooding the stairs. Gale finally started walking again, leaving the conversation behind, to face the unknown symphony ahead of her. 

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