Should I be scared? - Liszt Liebestraum

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"And then I think that maybe I was designed to be alone." - Unknown 

 "This is a surprise. " Professor Claude smiled when Newton and Gale finished playing. He could see why the school decided to put these two together for his violin mentoring class. While Newton's music was deep and flavorful, Gale's violin had a naive and clean tone to it, showing endless potentials. If he could inspire them in the right way, he was sure both students will mature most splendidly. 


As they walked back to the dormitory after class, a loud sound of music blasted from the dormitory.

"What is that?" Gale asked, confused. 

"Did you forget?"Newton skeptically raised his eyebrows. 

"Tonight is the day of Makim, welcoming party for all freshmen. I doubt will be able to escape that." 

When Gale opened the door, a crowd exploded from the dormitory entrance, cheering. Gale tried to take a step back but one of the upperclassmen, who were clearly drunk, caught her. 

"So this is the famous Gale Smaragdos! Welcome to Meldovern!" 

"..Thanks..?" Gale stuttered. 

The loud sound of music and the crowd made her dizzy. She was swept by the rest of the crowd and into the cafeteria where other freshmen were also beginning to drink and socialize. 

"So, Gale. Do you know your hard alcohol limit?" One of the senior students sat next to Gale, pouring her a shot.

"Um, no... I've never been really drinking - " 


The students laughed loudly as they gulped down their drinks. Gale hesitated at first but closed her eyes and downed it. Ugh, it was as if she gulped a ball of flame. Coughing, she searched for Newton and in the corner of her eyes, found him sitting alone at the table far from her. Newton just got a glass of beer on his own and was taking a sip. 

Looking at Newton sitting alone made Gale uncomfortable but the crowd began to accumulate around Gale, curious to know her. The music and new faces fuzzed as the alcohol took an effect and Gale got lost in the mood, dancing and laughing along with them. The world transformed into a sheet of soaking watercolor palette. Gale has almost downed her tenth shot when she realized that Newton has disappeared. 

"Sorry guys, need some fresh air," Gale murmured and made her way through the crowd and to the outside. A cool breeze swept her face, heated from the alcohol and the dancing. It felt nice. She searched for Newton and found him sitting on the bench outside the dormitory. Gale staggered her wobbly way and sank down next to him. Newton, surprised, scooted his way to the far end of the bench. 

"Hey," Gale said in a drunk voice.

"Hey... are you alright?" Newton asked hesitantly. 

"Yeah, just a little drunk." Gale chuckled as she lost her balance and almost fell off the bench. Newton grabbed Gale just in time. Gale giggled. 

"...A little drunk?" Newton shook his head.

"Or maybe... a little too drunk. But I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about that... someone you're looking for." Gale leaned toward the back, trying to regain her balance. Newton put his arms around Gale with concern.

"What about the person?" Newton asked.

"Well... my family has managed that Port Kaiim for a long time and I requested a list of people who entered the Port around the time you mentioned." 

"What? No way-" 

"I just have a question before I share the list with you......." Gale took a deep breath and asked. 

"Are you going to leave Meldovern if you find that someone you're looking for?" Gale looked up to match her eyes to Newton's. Newton, taken back, spoke with uncertainty. 

"I... don't know."

"Promise me," Gale spoke. "Promise me you will stay in Meldovern at least for a year." 

"Why should I?" 

"Basic rules of economics: If you need something, you pay for the price. If you give me a year to study violin beside you, I will give you the list." Gale answered dreamily. 

"Damn it," Newton muttered. 

"Promise me." 

After a long silence, Newton answered with a sigh.

"Alright, I promise." 

"Good," Gale smiled up at him. Newton was wondering if Gale will remember this at all the next day when Gale suddenly clutched him by the collar, her now half-closed eyes gazing up at him. 

"You see, commoner... we have a special way of vowing our words in the Smaragdos family..." 

Gale leaned forward and lightly touched Newton's lips with hers. Unprepared, Newton froze, not knowing how to react. Gale's lips softly parted from Newton's and murmured - 

"You are now bound to your words, Newton." 

Gale blacked out seconds after the vow, leaning to the boy's shoulder. Newton was still frozen solid. The scent of alcohol was lingering ever so faintly on his lips. When he breathed in, the fragrance broke his heart over and over again. 

"Stupid aristocrat..." Newton swore under his breath. 

Newton struggled as his heart cracked open to let Gale in. He clutched his left chest with his free hand as if to stop it from beating. Scared, he wanted to run away as far as he could from Gale but he couldn't. 

That youngest daughter of the Smaragdos family was right. Newton was now bound to his words, and to Gale. 

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