"Not right now"

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Charles had just arrived home off the bus. He walked in shocked his parents hadn't come to see their new kindergartener get safely off the bus. Charles has only been in kindergarten for about a week. He pushed the door open to find Alice and FP on the couch. She was sitting sideways on his lap her computer resting on her lap writing an article. She did this while he filled out a survey for Fred on his phone.

"Hey bud." FP greeted not looking up Charles smiled thinking he'd acknowledge him more.

"Hi daddy." He greeted climbing on the couch next to him peering over his shoulder.

"Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"Work." FP answered.

"What about my hugs and kisses?" The boy asked frowning FP turned his head to kiss his cheek.

"Mommy?" Charles asked looking over at his mother who was typing away at her keyboard.

"Not right now Charlie, Sorry I have to work I can't give you attention whenever you want it." She says continuing to type. Charles looks back at his dad who didn't look at him.

Charles grabbed his backpack and heading upstairs his lip starting to quiver as tears built up in his eyes. Charles walked into his room not bothering to close the door as he started shoving stuff in a bag heading back downstairs. He was crying silently as he quietly exited the house walking next door to Fred's.

"Babe?" Alice asked shutting her computer setting it on the end table.

"Yeah?" FP asked setting his phone on top of her computer.

"Do you know where Charlie went?" She asks resting her head on his shoulder waiting for him to say he warns to his room, which he did.

"I'm going to go check on him." She says walking upstairs. About a minute later she calls FP from upstairs.

"FP he's not there I'm going to look more up here can you look down there?"

"Yeah." He answers and they search.

• Fred's •

Fred hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it. He looks and sees Charles with tears down his cheeks and his backpack.

"Charles What's wrong?" He asks letting him in.

"Mommy and daddy don't love me anymore so I thought I could come live with you and aunt Mione."  He said and Fred crouched down to his level.

"As much as me and aunt Mione would love that your mommy and daddy love you. They'll be really sad when they can't find you."

"No they didn't notice."

• FP and Alice •

"He's not here!"

"He's not here either!" Alice comes running downstairs tears already in her eyes.

"He's gone." She says her voice breaking as she starts to cry. FP opens his arms as he pulls out his phone to text Fred to see if he's seen him. Alice hugs FP as she cries.

"He's gone." She says again.

"He's not gone we'll find him trust me okay?"

"How can you be so sure."

"He knows that we love him."

"Does he? We ignored him. I ignored him. I failed as a mother." She started crying harder.

"You didn't fail. We'll find him I'll make sure of it." Right when he said that Fred opened the door with Charles. FP sighed in relief but Alice didn't look up. Charles slowly walked to FP who picked him up.


"What?" She asks finally looking up.

"Charles!" She says relieved taking him out of FP's arms.

"I told you." Fred told Charles.

"Told him what?" FP questions.

"He thought you didn't love him anymore." Alice puts Charles down and FP kneels down in front of him.

"Is that true buddy?" Charles nods looking down. FP frowns and moves a piece of hair out of his sons tear stained face.

"Sorry, daddy."

"Don't be sorry, little man. We DO love you."

"Otay good." He looked at his dad with his big eyes and smiled.

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