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The sun beamed through the bedroom window. FP opened his eyes to the light, before closing them, groaning and snuggling into his girlfriend. She chuckles, wrapping her arms around him.
"Hey, beautiful." He mumbles, she smiles.
"Hey handsome." Alice responds. FP looks up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I love you." He says, she sits up.
"I love you too." She responds.
"If you loved me, you wouldn't sit up like that, I wanted cuddles." He frowns, she shakes her head, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"You're such a child." She says.
"Don't be mean." He says, she rolls her eyes.
"Man-baby." She says, he gives her puppy-dog-eyes.
"You made me sad. That's not nice, Ali." FP says, Alice smirks.

"How about this, I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water." She says, FP smiles.

"I like saving water." He says, grabbing her hand.
Alice dries her hair while FP looks for clothes.
"Babe, where's my clean pants?" He asks.
"Look in the basket." She responds. He finds it eventually, getting dressed before coming up behind her. He wraps his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

"We should go downstairs soon, the kids should be up." She says, he nods. They go downstairs, finding the kids sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal.
"Morning." The kids greet.

"Good morning." FP responds, Alice smiles.
"You guys might want to get ready, we're going golfing today." (Why golfing? Honestly idk)
"We're all going?" Jellybean asks, they planned to go as a family. (Betty, JB, Jughead, Charles, Alice, and FP)

"Yes." FP says, grabbing a bowl himself.
"How much time do we have?" Betty asks.
"An hour or so." Alice says, grabbing an apple.
"Do we have to wait for dad again?" Jug asks.
"I already showered, my hairs wet, beanie boy."
"But I thought mom did, the water turned on and off once, and she just-" Betty says, her face scrunches in disgust.

"Eww, Betty don't think about it." Charles says, Jellybean shakes her head.

"I lost my appetite." Jughead says.
"Seriously? Why does it even matter? Alice and I are adults and we can do what we want." FP says, his arm going around his girlfriend's waist.

"We don't want to think about that, we just want to golf."

"Jug, lets make a bet." Charles says.
"What is it?"

"Whoever does better gets whatever they want from the other person within reason."
"Okay, Charlie, it's on." Jughead says, they shake on it.

"Jelly, did you finish that project?" Alice asks, pouring a cup of coffeeffee. (Co•fe•fe)
"Yeah, I finished it last night, Betty helped."
"That's good."

"How's that story coming, Jug?" FP asks.
"It's going pretty good, I just hope I don't get writers block with it."

"Betty did you and Jug study for your tests?" Alice asks, Betty nods.

"And just study?" She asks.

"Kidding, kidding." She says, Betty sassily responds.
"Well I didn't shower with him this morning in a house full of kids, did I?"

"Betty! We were just getting away from that!" Charles says, Alice feels heat rise to her cheeks while FP just smirks.

"That's none of our business." Jellybean says, trying desperately not to talk about this.
"Who's excited for golfing?" Alice asks.
"Compared to this conversation, that sounds amazing." Charles says, the other kids nod.

"Well then let's go golfing shall we? Get your butts upstairs and get ready." FP says, the kids go upstairs after putting away their dishes. FP rests his hands on Alice's hips. He places a kiss on her lips, smiling against them after feeling her smile against his lips.
"I love our weird family." He says, she nods.

"One of the best things that's ever happened to me, besides you, of course. And the money I got from Hal." She laughs, he gasps dramatically.
"Ali, don't say the H-word in this household."

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