The Legend of the Stone Statue

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👾Warning! Harsh names and minor abuse in this chapter!👾

"Come gather around one and all! And hear the sad tale of the Man trapped in stone~"

Once upon a time, centuries ago there lived two beings. Pathos, the kindest most beautiful person in all the land, and Oleander, someone of great magic and skills. The two were deeply in love with one another, many agreed they were perfect together and belonged together...but Pathos...he never believed it. He said he loved Oleander, but he knew deep down, he wasn't the one. Oleander though had loved Pathos since he first laid eyes on him, claiming to all around Pathos will be his bride one day.

Years after the two had been together for so long, Oleander brought Pathos to this spot to ask for his hand, for this use to be a beautiful garden in the forest...

"What are we doing here Oleander?" Pathos asked him curiously as Oleander smiled softly to him holding his hands.

"Pathos my love, for years we have been together and have loved one another greatly...but I no longer wish to be lovers. I want you to be mine." He smiled as he got on one knee showing him the ring as Pathos gasped. "My love...will you marry me?"

Pathos looked to him worried as he took a deep breath. "N-no..." he said softly. Oleander looked at him in shock rising back to his feet.

"N-no?! What do you mean no?!"

"Oleander...I do care for you...but I...I do not believe we are truly soulmates. I have asked the oracles and wizards and they all say my true soulmate is not you. Please I do love you but...not like this, I am not going to lead you on like this. I'm sorry..." Pathos frowned. Oleander scowled in disgust.

"Y-you...YOU SLUT!" He yelled pushing Pathos to the ground as he looked to him in fear seeing how angry Oleander had become. "I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH?! YOU LEAD ME ON THIS WHOLE TIME DIDN'T YOU?!" He yelled as pathos cowered in fear.

"I-I didn't I swear! Please calm down!" Pathos pleaded as Oleander met his pleads with a slap.

"You want to find your soulmate... FINE! Then he will have to be the one to rescue you from THIS!" He yelled using his magic as he hit Pathos in the heart. Pathos gasped in pain as his body stiffened and moved around into a position he couldn't control. He started to lose feeling in his feet, then legs, then torso, he was turning to stone! He looked at Oleander as he smirked to him putting a hand gently on his cheek. "You will remain a stone statue until your 'Soulmate' can free you. However if you ever decide that you truly do love me, I will know and release you from your prison. Until then, you will remain this way until it happens! Enjoy the rest of your life in STONE!" He yelled as tears fell down Pathos face as the transformation completed turning him completely to stone in the center of the garden.

For years Oleander kept people away from Pathos, he refused to let anyone get close Incase he was his soulmate. As time went on however Oleanders Magic was starting to fail as he kept having to put spells on himself so he can be alive when Pathos gave in.

"No one was sure when he stopped guarding Pathos statue but legend has it he's still watching his statue biding his time and power for when Pathos gave in. Since then the world around Pathos has changed into our beautiful Phoenix Park!" The show runner smiled to the small crowd as they clapped and laughed. He twirled his mustache as he twirled his cane. "Now! Who wants to give a try and free poor Pathos from his prison! Oo! Say that three times fast! Poor Pathos from his Prison!" He laughed. "Maybe you?" He pointed at a girl as she giggled. "You?" A boy laughed. "How about you. Why don't you give it a try?" He smiled pointing his cane at the person with glasses and a necktie reading a book. "I'm talking to you Nerd." He said as he looked up to the man. "Care to try?"

"...No." he said bluntly.

Yay new story and what's this! It's not BMC related at all! Yeah that's a surprise! This is a logicality book this time! I'm really excited about this one and I hope you enjoy it as well!

More to come as the story Continues~
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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