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Hyunjin was pacing in Chan's studio waiting for SpearB. He was feeling anxious and already regretting his decision. He was about to meet one of best rapper ever, his state was totally justified.

It was even better than a christmas present.

Chan wasn't looking better than him. He had repeated the same track five times already, not focused at all.

After their confession two days ago, Jeongin had not talked to them once. Ignoring and avoiding them, he ate with his fellow 01 liners at lunch, walked home with Seungmin and locked his bedroom door once he was inside his flat.

The older was feeling guilty, they had messed up really bad.

Hyunjin had told him to let Jeongin some time, that the younger will talk to them he is ready. Chan could wait a little but he couldn't be in that state forever.

He bit his lower lip almost ripping the pink skin, his brain was a really shitty things making up things.

He had so many scenarios in his head, some unbelievable, some hopeful. He needed to make a move at Jaebum's party. Jeongin was going with Seungmin and Jisung apparently.

Not that damned Park Jisung but his sidekick Han Jisung.

Chan looked Hyunjin moving in front of his studio's door waiting for the second oldest member of his rap crew. He needed to move fast to prove he still had a chance with Jeongin. Hyunjin was good at being an attention stealer, his visual was above two third of the entertainment industry. He was the perfect third end for a love triangle, his charisma and charming attitude were giving Chan a headache.

Like how could even be-

Knock Knock.

What a great timing Changbin had.

Chan stood up opening the door without giving Hyunjin a second to prepare himself. Changbin was behind the door as expected.

"Hi Hyunjinnie, hi hyung." Changbin greeted them stepping in.

Hyunjin's breath caught in his throat. "Changbin hyung ? What-"

"I know what you are gonna say." Chan cut abrutly. "But we need to postpone this conversation because Jisung is not here yet."

Changbin signed walking in front of Hyunjin.

"I'm so sorry Jinnie. I wish we could have told you sooner."

Hyunjin frowned. "You are SpearB and Ji is J.One ? Is this some kind of sick joke ?" He could not believe this.

"Let's wait for Jisung, we can-"

"Can't fucking believe this." Hyunjin cut Chan.

"Hyunjin please-" The older started.

"How could you do that ? Betraying us like that ? Learning Chan was CB97 was shocking enough. I thought we were a family, for fuck sake." Hyunjin spat bitterly.

Changbin took a deep breath, this was going the wrong way and Jisung was not even here yet. "Hyunjin calm down. We can explain."

"I already heard Chan's excuses. I don't want to hear more." Hyunjin took his phone on Chan's desk ready to leave. He had enough of being lied to.

He walked rapidly to the front door hand on the handle but froze when the clear sound of someone pushing in the six number password reasoned in the quiet studio. Jisung was here.

The smaller man almost bumped in Hyunjin. His brown hair was all over the place, dark circles under his eyes making him look tired and he looked like he had runned to the studio. And damn how could Hyunjin leave now ?

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