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I'm stealing When You Love Someone by Day6 for Jeongchan duet, let's go MYDAYS.



Chan was stressing out backstage, his breathing was irregular. He had one chance to make it up to Jeongin. To tell him what he couldn't earlier. Now he wondered how the younger knew he had a secret, did he really was bad at lying ?

He tried to breath a little and took the stairs up to the stage, it was time now.

Chan saw Jeongin the minute he stepped toward the mic. He took note of the way Hyunjin pushed the mic into the younger's hand and smiled.

Their plan was going great.

And then he started to sing.

오늘 많이 힘들었던 하루였죠
그댈 보는 내 가슴이 아리네요
지친 그대를 위해 해줄 수 있는 건 오로지
곁에 있어주는 것 밖에 못해 미안해요

(It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I'm sorry.)

He looked into Jeongin eyes giving him a sad smile.

그댄 웃는 게 정말 예쁜 사람이라서
그 미소를 잃었을 때마다
내 전부를 다 줘서라도
다시 또 되돌려주고 싶어요

(You're so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you.)

He wanted him to know everything he felt, how he loved his smile.

대신 울어주고 싶고
내가 대신 아파해주고 싶어요
다신 그대의 마음에
상처가 나지 않았으면 해요

(I want to cry for you

I want to hurt instead of you
I don't want any scars in your heart
Ever again.)

Jeongin smiled back, his beautiful eyes alredy full of unshead tears, he took the mic in his hand and sang.

누군가를 넘치게
좋아한다는 건
참 신기하게도

(When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It's so amazing
Because this is how it is.)

He had never know when they recorded that song so long ago it would made so much sense, Chan continued his honey voice making Jeongin weark.

내가 조금이나마 도움이 되길 원해요
그대에게 있어 난 안식처 이길 바라요
바쁜 하루 중에도 날 떠올리면
편안해질 수 있게 노력 해볼게요

(I hope I can be a little helpful at least
I hope I can be your resting place
I'll try to make you feel at peace
Whenever you think of me during your busy days.)

그댄 사실은 너무 여린 사람이라서
소리 없이 아파할 때마다
내 전부를 다 줘서라도
다시 또 웃게 해주고 싶어요

(You're such a soft-hearted person
Every time you are silently in pain
Even if I have to give my all
I want to make you smile again.)

Chan knew Jeongin was hurt by him, by some of his actions, he was in the same state. He wanted to be Jeongin's safe place, his confort zone, to be here for him and make up for everytime he couldn't so he just continued.

대신 울어주고 싶고
내가 대신 아파해주고 싶어요
다신 그대의 마음에
상처가 나지 않았으면 해요

(I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don't want any scars in your heart
Ever again.)

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