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(Katsuki's pov)

I have to be honest with you guys, I hate everyone. Why do people have to be so fucking annoying? It gets on my nerves. They're all some extras in my way. I'm in the first year of high school. It sucks. The teachers are boring and the students are morons. I moved out of the house when I started, and I live alone in an apartment. It's nice being alone.

Since I had to pay for the apartment, I got myself a part-time job. Don't be shocked, but it's in a pizza shop. Yeah, I know. 'Why a pizza shop of all places?' Well guess what, that's the only place would take me. In every other place, they rejected me, so I had to.

I work every weekend, Tuesday and Wednesday. It sucks like hell.

Every fucking time I go home after work I smell like pizza sauce. It's awful, but they surprisingly pay well, and I need the money, so I will have to live with it. I have to go to work tomorrow 'cause it's Saturday.

Right now, I'm at school, and let me tell ya, it's so fucking dull. Like, seriously... When it was lunch, I ate with my best friend (or 'Shitty Hair' as I call him) and my other friends, that I like to call 'Dunce Face' and 'Soy Sauce'.

I don't want to use my time to learn their real names 'cause that's just waste. They are hella annoying, and any time that I try to get rid of them, they'll come back. Like, just give me some space. I ate my food while these extras talked about a transfer student that'll be starting in our class on Monday. I really didn't care. The only thing I thought about was another extra that will bug me constantly. Shitty Hair then asked me "so Bakubro, what do you think the new student will be like?"

"Tsk, I couldn't care less. The only thing I hope for, is that they leave me alone." I grunted out.

Dunce Face suddenly butted in, "oh come on man. Do you think it's a girl or a boy?"

"Like I give a fuck." I stood up and walked back to the classroom.  A few seconds later, these extras followed close behind me. I curse under my breath, but continued my walk into the next class.

The rest of the day went as boring as always. When classes were over, I was ready to head back to my apartment. I went home: it was good to be home. I can relax here, and there's no need to deal with any morons. Today went by quickly. It was Friday, so it wasn't a surprise.

I ate some instant noodles, then went to do my everyday workout. When I was done, I took a nice, relaxing shower, and went to sleep. I had to wake up soon so I could get ready for work.

Annoyingly, I woke up because of the stupid, fucking brats in my neighbourhood that were screaming and paying on the street. Who the hell wakes up so early in the morning to play? What are they...birds? I grunted and stretched my arms, then stood up from my warm, comfy bed, onto to the icy cold floor.

I glanced over at the clock to see if I still had time before work; I had about an hour and a half. Since everything in the apartment was clean, and I was almost ready myself, I decided to relax and watch the tv until my time to go came around.

I had to take the bus to work, so I was sitting and listing to some music.

It didn't take long before I arrived at the pizza shop. I walked in and then one of my co-workers greeted me. I grunted back. Everyone at work knows how I can be, so they don't tell me to smile or be nice. That's good. I went in the changing room to put on my uniform before starting my job. Any time someone calls, I'm the one driving to deliver their pizza. I can make it really well too. Three hours had gone by since I started and I'm already so fucking tired. Sadly, I still had some hours before I was done for the day. Just let me tell ya, that I was so ready to sleep for the rest week. Damn, why is life so fucking hard?

"Hey Katsuki, how is school?" my boss asked me. I stood up from my chair, ready to give her an answer when the phone to the pizza shop abruptly started ringing. Great, that means that someone is ordering a pizza.

Boss answered the phone "hello welcome to 'MR.PIZZA'. How can I help you?" I couldn't hear anything but unclear mumbling from the other side. Since I knew that they were ordering pizza, and I'm the only other one left, I will have to deliver the fucking food to them.

"Ok...Yes...Do you want something to drink? Or dip for the pizza?" mumble, mumble and more mumbling.

"Alright, so coca-cola and garlic dressing. Can you give me your address sir?" the boss started pointing her finger straight to a notebook and a pen. I walked up to them and gave it to her. She started writing something on it: the address and what they ordered. She then said goodbye, and told the person on the other side of the phone that the pizza would be there within half an hour.

"Ok Katsuki, you have another delivery. Here is the address. Get ready with the food. I have to go to the meeting, so you need to take care of it." I nodded, already starting to make the pizza and all the other stuff they ordered. Soon enough, I packed everything and went to the pizza delivery-car that we use. I started the vehicle up and looked at the address. Thankfully, it wasn't that far from here.

Looking at the name, it read 'Izuku Midoriya'. Not long after that, I had arrived at the destination. I grabbed the pizza and walked to the front door. On the door, the names it read were 'Inko Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya'. Yep, got the right place. I hurriedly knocked on the door, just waiting to give this pizza to whoever was ordering it, and get to my fucking home 'cause I was tired.

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