Shadow's Story

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A long time ago, before the princesses ruled Equestria; A legend stated that one fateful day The Rose of Mystery will rise, and shall lead the citizens to victory over a treacherous villain called The Black Knight. However as time passed, the knight terrorized many citizens and the legend was forgotten. Waiting for the right moment to attack Canterlot; his plan changed entirely.

The sky was scarlet red above the tiny village below, terrorizing screams and cry's were heard from A short distance away from the village. A mother was fleeing the village with her son. Not knowing what was happening, the young bat colt asked, "Mom... What's going on?" The mother couldn't find it in her heart to tell her son that their people were being taken hostage. As she was about to make up a cover story she looked up and shouted "Shadow!" Quickly shoving her son out of the way, she was captured in a net with weights keeping her down. With a loud cry Shadow shouted "MOM!!!" And tried to bite through the nets, sadly with no prevail. As Shadow's mother looked to the sky's, she saw a white pegasus stallion in black armor. "SHADOW RUN!!!" Shadow looked at his mom with disbelief "What? NO!!! I cant leave you here!" Shadow's mom looked at him with tears in her eyes "Shadow you must... NOW GO AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!!!" With one last glance Shadow nodded and took off running. He could feel his mother's tears along side his.

As he ran nonstop, he couldn't help but feel like he should've stayed with his mother. But how could he, when she insisted on protecting him? With his mind racing he didn't notice that he was about to hit a boulder. "Ouch!" Looking up realizing he wasn't paying attention to what was infront of him, he glanced up at the night sky. He climbed onto the boulder he hit and sat; looking at the night sky. "The sky being dark and full of stars is rare... How can a night be so beautiful when great sadness has come to me and my family... my mother...?" As he shed a tear a bright star shined upon him "I guess this rare night calms me down a bit but the sadness is still here." "YOUNG COLT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Shadow glanced up to see a white stallion in black armor. "AHHH" shadow tried to flee, but the stallion grabbed his tail. "Don't fret young one, your okay. I am not going to harm you." Shadow looked at him with his teared up eyes. "You won't?" The stallion looked at him with a stern yet tender look " I promise. Now, let me introduce myself. I am Commander Sky. And you are?" Shadow replied hesitantly "Im... Shadow." Commander Sky put his wing around Shadow's shoulder. "Well Shadow let's go to training." Shadow thought to himself wondering what Commander Sky meant by "Training".

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