[ 4 ]

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My mom was outside already waiting for me.

"Welcome!.......they're boys.....WELCOME!!!!!" My mom shouted

"Gee mom! Not like I never had a guy friend before!"

"You never tho...." My mom said

That was not suppose to happen. I thought she would understand that I was trying not to act like it the first time I have guys over.

My mom entered the house and we followed

"Busted" Hyunjin whispered as he past me

I pretended to kick him from behind

* * *

"Yuna why don't you put a movie on while I serve you guys" My mom suggested

I signaled them to follow me into the TV room.

"Let's watch a drama!" Jisung and I yelled

We both looked at each other shocked but happyily

" Maybe we are meant to be!" We said together again

We put our hands to our mouths faking being in shock. We get closer to each other and was about to hug until someone threw a pillow at me


"Stop acting like kids and let's watch the movie" Hyunjin said annoyed

We both giggled and sat down on the couch.

Hyunjin was in the middle while Jisung and I were on the sides.

The drama was just starting. My mom came right on time to give us our food.

"So before you guys start can I know your names?" My mother asked the two boys



"Hyunjin!" My mom smirked

"My daughter had a dream about yo-"

I covered my mom's mouth before she continued

They both acted confused until my mom left.

"So you told your mom about your dream about me"

Hyunjin smirked as I sat down. Jisung was just confused.

"Play the drama Jisung" I begged

Jisung hit play and the drama started playing. Hyunjin slowly looked away from me to the screen.

The drama was half way done until I heard a whisper

"Tell me....your dream"

I turned my face to Hyunjin. I started blushing because I realized how close he was to me.

It's YOU Who I Love❤️ [Hwang Hyunjin] FF [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now