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The sun was shinning and the birds were singing. I didn't want to open my eyes.


I opened my eyes knowing who was saying good morning. We locked eyes and smiled.

"Morning" I answered

He kissed me on the lips softly.

"Ring Ring"

I looked at my phone that was ringing I couldn't see the caller ID but I answered anyway.

"Hello?" I said

"Yuna I am almost at home and I brought some muffins for us too eat" My mom said on the other line.

"You're what!?" I started panicking

"Why are you screaming?" She asked

"N...nothing I'll see you soon" I hung up quickly and looked at Hyunjin who was also looking at me with his eyes wide opened.

We got up and started to rush. He changed in the matter of seconds and so did I.

"Go go out the door" I yelled

Hyunjin opened the door but stopped then closed it.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Your....mom is here...."He said quickly

I started to panick and tried to find a hidding spot.

"Why don't I just act like I was here just to eat breakfast" Hyunjin blurted

I shook my head and pulled him to the TV room and locked the door......I doubt my mom was going to go in there.

"I'm home! My mom yelled

I walked the the front door to greet her.

"Mom! You're back so early!"

She looked at me suspiciously but ignored it.

"So where's Hyunjin?" I froze when I heard her asked where Hyunjin was.

"H- how did y-you know...." I stuttered

"His shoes are there...wait......am I sensing something...." My mom said

"No....Hyunjin where are you???? I'm pretty sure he just went to the washroom...." My mouth became dry and my brain stopped working.

"Good morning...." Hyunjin came and said.

"I am feeling something strange...." My mom blurted

Hyunjin didn't dare to look at me and neither did I.

"I will be on my way home. I just accompanied your daughter until you came" He bowed and headed to the front door.

I quickly followed Hyunjin so I can see him off. My mom just stared at every move we made.

We walked to the sidewalk.

"Gee it would've been less obvious if we sticked to my plan" Hyunjin said in a little strong tone

"Sorry I panicked..." I replied

Hyunjin hugged me and gave me a peck on my forehead.

"It's fine... We will have to tell your mom one day..." He said


"About us together...." He looked at me realizing something

"Yuna.....do you want to be my girlfriend....." He asked looking deep into my eyes

I nodded and hugged him. Happy tears escaped my eyes.

* * *

The end.....Thank you for reading this cheesy FANFICT. I have made a new fanfict which is less cheesy. A Chan one it is called " The Journal" check it out it is being made by my friend and I we are working quite hard on it.

Thank you 💕💕💕💕

It's YOU Who I Love❤️ [Hwang Hyunjin] FF [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now