[ 9 ]

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Warning: 18+ Content in this chapter if ya don't want to read it please skip to the next chapter. Please protect your innocent underage viewers (But the again it your choice you do what you want to do😘)

Yuna! Yuna!

Sujin ran up to me.

"The time has come! We are almost graduating" She sang

I smiled at her but then got a little depressed.

"I am not going to prom Sujin" I said

She asked me why and I replied that I haven't gotten asked.

She hugged me " Don't worry he'll ask soon" she said

I just let a smile as she danced away to her new boyfriend.

"Wow Mina and Sujin have boyfriends and I'm still single" I sigh

"Yuna! Have you gotten asked by Hyunjin?" Jisung said as he ran up to me with Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin

"No and why would he even ask me. He hasn't talked to me in weeks" I replied

"Yuna" Diego called

"Mm what's up?" I asked

I saw Jisung walk away with his friends.

"Do..you want to go to prom with me?" Diego asked

I smiled and agreed.

We looked at each other awkwardly but still managed to hug each other.

We parted our own ways because I needed to go somewhere else.

"Yuna...."I heard someone call

"Oh well look at that if it isn't Hyunjin" I said sarcastically

"I was trying to gain the courage to ask you to-"

"Oh yeah who is your date to prom? I am going with Diego you?

"I...." He paused

"No one yet? I thought you would have tons of girls what's up with you? Get in the game hyunjinnie"

I patted Hyunjin on the side of his arm and walked away.

* * *

Prom was nearing and I was getting nervous.

3 more days until school's over!

I sat on my desk looking for makeup ideas on Pinterest. I want something smoky but natural.

"You got my text?" Diego asked as he got a chair to sit beside me.

"Yep, picking me up at my house at 7:00Pm right"I chuckled

He nodded and patted my head.

"Hyunjin did you get a girl yet?" I asked

"No" He answered coldly

I did a fake suprise face. He didn't care much about it and just sat down.

"Do you want me to refer you to a friend I know. She's the same age a you, she's from the states and is here like me but in another school. She is probably your style" Diego offered

"No I want you to mind your own business, and stop trying to take Yuna all to yourself" Hyunjin growled

"What do you mean? You just play with her feelings not like you actually take care of her" Diego barked

"Fuck off!"

Hyunjin said

He stood up and grabbed Diego by the shirt. They both looked at each other with hatred eyes.

It's YOU Who I Love❤️ [Hwang Hyunjin] FF [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now