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if I started a blog, would you guys follow it? I know you support all of my other ventures, but reading is very different

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if I started a blog, would you guys follow it? I know you support all of my other ventures, but reading is very different. I just got my new passport and I'm itching to ink it up. Let me know in the comments. (Shout out to pops for the angles)

"So you're really going to do it?" I looked up at my dad and nodded my head. He always encouraged me to live me life how I wanted. My marriage was the most trying time of our relationship. He was usually the first one I listened to but I ignored every talk he gave me. I thought love came with hardships and drama. I thought that was what my mother went through to be happy. All the stories we hear about athletes cheating, it was almost expected. I just put up with it until my dad sat down and told me that he never cheated on my mom and that it wasn't normal for me to be covering for my man as much as I did. But at the same time, I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to be that stereotypical young wife who got married too fast and decided she didn't like it. 

Looking back, I should have listened to my dad and said no to the very public proposal. Even though it was beautiful, I didn't need all the theatrics. I would have been fine would a simple, "marry me". He instead brought me down to half-court during the most important game of the year and had the cheerleaders spell it out for him. He even had a speech written. There was no way I could have said no and killed the morale.

I should have. It was a public display that now seemed disingenuous. 

"What's your first step?" He looked at me with the pride that I very much missed. For a long time I only seen something akin to sadness and disappointment. There was no need to name it because there was no way in hell that I was going to witness it ever again. It nearly broke me.

"Uhm, I don't know honestly." I admitted shyly. "I think I want to do a Q&A like I did for my youtube channel. But then again I don't know."

"Do a travel suggestion box. Take a trip, do some requested things, enjoy yourself, and report it on the blog. Be sure to include pictures and videos, stuff like that."

"You got a blog, daddy?" I looked at him while he chuckled.

"I'll never tell." He grinned while backing out of the living room. I immediately started thinking of names that he would use for his blog. It held some secrets, I just knew it. Inspired by his mysterious exit, I began to let my fingers fly.

Moving On Marlo: Things To Do Before 30

Hi, My name is Marlo Temple. My father is NBA Hall-Of-Famer, Jamaal Temple, better known as T-Time. I just call him pops. I graduated from Southern Georgia State University with a bachelors in Art and Fashion. I am a woman of many hats. I'm a talent scout, manager, model, creator, motivational speaker. My favorite is business owner. I own three of my own business that I have been running for almost three years now. My first baby, my modeling agency, is almost a decade old. My beauty network, Link and Slay, has created model/artist connections all over the world. MyLove, the newest baby, stemmed from my love of jewelry. It's the most fun for me. All the crazy looks in my head get to come to life right before my eyes. It's so powerful.

But this is my new journey.

As many of you may know...or maybe not, I am recently divorced. Saying to whom would be a lost cause because this is about me. Though I spent several years loving him, it just wasn't enough. In the plainest of English "shit happens". I hold no ill will against him and wish him a world of happiness. But throughout my marriage, I often thought about what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. I came to the realization that I wanted to be more than just a wife, mother, daughter, owner. I wanted to be Marlo. 

Who is Marlo?

To me, Marlo is an adventurer, and creator, a free spirit, open-minded. She's the girl who is not afraid to be alone. She is sure of herself and knows just what she deserves. She wants to see the world and experience new things. She wants to have a new story to tell her grandkids every day. She wants to be  successful in all aspects of her life, not just business. She wants to light up the room when she walks in.

Marlo just wants to be happy.

So here I am, twenty-nine years and twelve days old, making a list of things that I want to do before I turn thirty. A lot the things are just small time tasks that I just haven't attempted to make time to do. Others are things that I am too afraid to do without a little push. Maybe with you guys reading, I'll be more open to pushing my limits. With your help, I'll have the best memories.

1. Travel the world

2. Learn a new language

3. Jump off a waterfall

4. Make a signature dish in a different country

5. Sleep under the stars

6. Drive a boat

7. Swim with dolphins

8. Get a tattoo

9. Fall in love

10. Read a new book a month

That's all I have so far. I'm not sure how to end this, so I guess I'll just wing it.

Love, Marlo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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