Stepping Up

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       Storming through the front doors I quickly made a line for the stairs as Marcus and Alfie both stood motionless at the front doors.
       “El, Marcus is here!” I screamed as I sprinted to my room slamming the door behind me. 
       From Sarah being a cold hearted witch and then giving into Alfie’s proposal for helping to clean I was beyond angry and disappointed in not only myself but my life. How could I have been so naive to call someone like Sarah a friend? The way she degraded the poor waiter guy was uncalled for and practically snobbish. Throwing off my purse and shoes I slowly feel back on my bed, turning my iPod on high I slowly pushed my headphones into my ears as I tried to melt into the music.
       Pictures of last night and how pure and easy going things seemed flashed in my mind. How could something so innocent as a party go crazy with a kiss ending my whole night. Old feelings and sensations came rushing back as soon as Alfie’s lips hit mine. I had never wanted to drag a boy to my room as much as I did last. Things with Jack were too predictable and planned while with Alfie they were spontaneous and new. I wanted Alfie, I wanted my life to be without all of the drama, fake people, and parliament. 
       Feeling a tap on my legs my eyes jolted open as he stood near the bottom of my bed.
       “Alfie?” I yelped as I jerked my headphones off, “what are you doing here?”
       “I kind of broke from the group” he smirked, “you seemed a little pissed and I wanted to check on you, are you okay?”
       Sensing my heart melt a little I couldn’t help but feel the same sensation from last night start to stir up. The way his hair sat on his head and tee shirt laid so perfectly over his arms and chest, I felt in heaven.
       “I am fine” I finally choked out, “its just girl drama.”
       “What kind?” he asked with a grin, “I do have a younger sister, I might be able to relate.”
       “You really want to listen to my problems?” I grinned as he crossed his arms with a slow nod.
       “Of course, I mean if you want to share.”
       “Well…” I sighed as I scooted over letting him sit on the end of the bed, “Sarah wanted to go to lunch and no one else wanted to go with her so…”



       Continuing to nod I sat motionless listening to Zoe’s problem that she and Sarah had had at lunch earlier. From the sound of it, Sarah was as shallow as the baby side of a pool. With the way that she had judge some guy before actually getting to know him was enough for me to figure out that she was nothing but an attention seeking, judgmental bitch. But to spare Zoe’s feelings I didn’t want to tell her that in those words.
       “Wow, Sarah totally had me fooled” I broke in as I shook my head, “how can someone be so…”
       “Judgmental…a bitch?” interpreted Zoe as she looked over at me.
       “Judgmental, yes” I grinned.
       “I know right?” she screeched, “after I tried to explain to her that he is probably a nice guy she just totally shut me out. Like how big of a two year old are you? Please bitch!” she mumbled.
       “Seriously…” I groaned as I looked over at her, “I am glad your not like that.”
       “Trust me, I really need to get to know someone before I can pass judgment, Sarah just gives us all a bad name.”
       “Us?” I asked confused
       “Girls in generally” she snapped, “I mean not all girls are like that.”
       “Oh” I smiled, “I am glad then.”
       Hearing silence engulf the room I knew at that moment that it would be the perfect chance to ask Zoe on a date. We only had a couple more weeks to get to know each other so any moment like this had to be taken advantage of.
       “So, Zoe” I smiled nervously, “you know I’ve been thinking, would you…like…uh, um, want to go out tonight? You know kind of like a date?”
       Seeing her eyes double in size, I knew that I had caught her off guard. What was I thinking? Would a girl like Zoe ever be interested in me? I was a college bum on a crazy holiday with his only friend trying to score girls.
       “Sure” Zoe smiled as I instantly felt my heart stop.
       “Really?” I choked out as my eyes ran over her grinning face.
       “I mean, why not? Most of these bitches are getting on my nerves” she whispered as she gave me a nudge.
       “Awesome” I squeaked as I felt a foolish smile cross my face, “how about we meet at that fancy restaurant around 8?”
       “Sure” giggled Zoe as a loud scream from down stairs made us both jump.
       “ZOE, we need your help!” whined El, “how do you get red wine off of a white carpet?”
       “Oh man” I sighed.
       “Is it hard to get out?” Zoe questioned as she stood from the bed.
       “A little…” I laughed.



       Hopping down the stairs I could feel the smile beam from my face. After explaining everything to Alfie about mine and Sarah’s lunch I had never felt as close to him than at that moment. With his date proposal coming right after I couldn’t help but say yes. The way that he had choked on nearly every word I could really feel that he was genuely interested in me and wanting to get to know me. I had live this vacation the way I wanted, with no regrets and an open heart.
       “Red wine?” I sighed as I made it to the bottom of the stairs as Marcus and El crowded around the entrance of the living room.
       “Its just a small spot” smiled Marcus, “I mean you guys could move like a couch here or something to cover it up.”
       “Marcus” screech El, “its in the middle of the entrance, you can’t just put a chair here!”
       “I’m sure we can do something” I inturpped as Alfie and I looked down at the stain, “any suggestions?”
       “Do you guys have some hydrogen peroxide and some baking soda?” questioned Alfie as he smirked at me.
       “And how do you know this?” laughed Marcus as he gave him a pat on the back.
       “Just a year of chemistry” sighed Alfie.
       “Smart boy” nodded El, “I like”
       “Yeah, yeah” I winked as I pulled at El as we scattered into the bathrooms and kitchen.

       After nearly an hour of scrubbing on the stain Alfie and Marcus had the whole carpet in the living room looking brand new, while El, Charlie and I tackled the rest of the downstairs. While cleaning I couldn’t help but let my mind wonder about Alfie and our date, how would he really act when we were alone? Would he try to kiss me again? What would I do if he did? I mean he was a great kisser, one of the best I had ever had. Yet again what was I going to tell the girls? I couldn’t just leave and not tell them, yet they didn’t need to know that I was going on a date with Alfie. 
       Tossing my pair of cleaning gloves into the sink I slowly slipped away from the group and skipped up stairs. Sprinting to my room I landed straight in front of the window just in time to see Alfie and Marcus slip into the taxi Charlie had ordered them. Feeling my heart in my throat my eyes slowly hovered over the small desk clock sitting nearby as a smile crossed my face.

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