Feeling True Love

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       Laying motionless in the large bed I listened carefully as the back door slammed followed with someone stomping up the stairs. After reassuring Sarah three times that I had came here to check the house she finally left me alone in a downstairs bedroom as she ran out to check on Zoe. Wanting to go with her she insisted that I should wait there and that she would be right back. Closing my eyes I couldn’t help but think of how well mine and Zoe’s fit and how badly I wanted to be with her, even though she hated me.
       Listening the back door slam again I slowed my breath as it sounded as if Sarah had let out a scream and continued up the stairs.
       Confused I slowly pushed open the door as flashes of Charlie and Eleanor crossed the front of the door and darted up the stairs.
       “Get out!” screamed Sarah followed by a yelp from Zoe.
       Pushing out of the room I slowly made my way up the stairs to find Sarah and Zoe arguing in Zoe’s room with Eleanor and Charlie coward outside listening.
       “Whats going on?” I whispered as made my way closer to the door.
       “I have no idea” sighed Charlie, “but it sounds like a cat fight.”
       “About what?” I asked confused
       “Some guy…I think” added El as a scream echoed from the room.
       Nuzzling my way between the two girls I slowly pushed my head against the door as Zoe’s voice started to over take Sarah’s.



       “Your wrong about all of this, Zoe!” screamed Sarah as I pushed open my bedroom door, “you know nothing!”
       “Sarah I am not dumb, I know exactly what happened between you and Jack, and I know why your doing this whole thing with Alfie!”
       “And why is that Zoe?” she laughed as she slammed the door behind her, “don’t you think its because I like him?”
       “You don’t like him for him, Sarah! You like the thought of taking Alfie and Jack away from me! You know that I use to like Jack and that’s why you slept him!”
       “So what if I did? I mean he obviously needed to get it somewhere!”
       “Whats that suppose to me?” I scoffed as I turned to face her.
       “The whole virgin diary show is getting pretty old Zoe! Jack needed a real woman, one that was willing to do things that you didn’t want to.”
       Feeling my anger start to boil over I slowly started to ball my fist as I turned and swung open my closet door.
       “Awe, whats wrong Zoe, can’t you take the truth?” giggled Sarah as she followed behind me, “I’m sure this whole hooking up thing will be over once your married to Jack, then again you never know.”
       “What are you saying Sarah? Your going to hook up with my husband?”
       “I mean if he wants it…”
       “You bitch!” I screamed as I put all of my weight in my arms and pushed her, “your nothing but a two faced good for nothing back stabbing bitch!”
       Seeing the look of disbelief wash across Sarah’s face I knew instantly that I had made her mad.
       “Well, looks like the Daily Times will have a great new front story.” she huffed, “parliament daughter gone wild!”
       “Whatever, Sarah!” I groaned as I piled some of my clothes in my suitcase, “I’m done with this!”
       Pushing past her with my suitcase in hand I quickly pulled open the door to see El, Charlie and Alfie all dumbfounded with the whole fight.
       “Excuse me” I barked as I marched down the hall, towards the front door.

       Pulling the door open I quickly made a mad dash off of the front porch and down the long and winding road. Echoes of thunder filled the dark night sky as a cool breeze chilled my small bare arms. I didn’t know where I was going or what I was going to do, but one thing that I did know for sure was my friendship with Sarah was over along with this summer holiday.



       “What did you do to her?” gasped Eleanor as she confronted Sarah, “she was nearly in tears!”
       “We were just talking, I mean someone can’t obviously take the truth!” sighed Sarah as she pushed her hair from her face.
       “The truth?” questioned Charlie, “about what?”
       Sensing Sarah’s glance run over me I slowly stepped back as a crash of thunder shook the large house.
       “Life…” sighed Sarah as she crossed her arms, “don’t worry though, she’ll be back.”
       “But it looks like a storm is coming” I interrupted as the girls looked over to me, “we can’t just let go…not in this weather.”
       “What are we suppose to do, Alfie?” snarled Sarah, “Zoë’s a stubborn girl, she won’t come back here if any of us go for her.”
       “I’ll go then” I snapped nervously, “I mean anything could happen to her.”
       “Go on Alfie” sighed Charlie, “I mean, it is night time…”
       “But Alfie” pouted Sarah, “I thought we could spend…”
       “Sarah, we can’t let her go” I shook my head, “its dangerous out there.”
       Seeing Sarah’s face turn two shades of red I knew that she was pissed, not only had I been sneaking around with Zoe but in some weird way it felt that Sarah knew I didn’t have feelings for her.
       “Fine” mumbled Sarah as she pushed past me, “go after that bitch, but know this Alfie, if you go, we’re over.”
        Letting out a low sigh I slowly looked out the large hall window as a bolt of lighting lit up the night sky.



       Rounding a curve I slowly felt my anger start to subside as the sounds of thunder started to closer. Stepping off of the dirt road and onto pavement I knew exactly where I was and the fact that town was just another five miles away. The cool breeze of the incoming storm started to intensify as I stopped to look back at the dirt road. I could go back just for the night and book a plan early in the morning, yet again Sarah would still be there and possibly with Alfie, in which she would make my night a living hell. Then again if I kept walking it was uncertain what I would into and who. 
       Looking back down the paved road and back at the dirt path I slowly started to see a shadowy figure start to get close to me. Sensing my heart start to beat a bit faster I quickly grabbed my suitcase and started back down the paved road in a bit of a jog.
       “ZOE!” I heard a faint yell, “stop ZOE!”
       Slowing my pace I slowly looked back as a crash of lighting lit up the sky just for a few seconds, yet long enough for me to see his face.
       “Zoe, stop!” he yelled again as the sound of his feet and voice got louder.
       “You came after me?” I yelped as I sat down my suitcase.
        “Of course I did” he panted as his face came to a stop in front of mine, “I had to.”
       “You didn’t have to come after me Alfie” I screeched, “I am a grown woman, totally capable of making it to the hotel.”
       “Zoe its over between Sarah and I, I don’t want to be with her” he interrupted as I felt his hands lock into mine, “I love you Zoe.”

       Feeling my throat became dry I wanted so much to take him in the thunder and lighting and give him all my secrets and make a plan for the two of us to be together, yet I had to be sensible and think of the life that I was going back to, the life that would be my reality tomorrow.
       “You don’t love me Alfie” I blurted out, you don’t even know my last name! This, what ever this is, isn’t real Alfie! This is..”
       And within that moment I had felt something that I hadn’t felt in a while. Alfie’s lips perched against mine as his arms melted around me. Deeping the kiss I could feel both my stomach and heart start to ache, was this what real love felt like?
       “Stop it Alfie!” I yelped as I pulled from his kiss, “I…WE can’t do this”
       “What are you talking about?” he shouted, “Zoe I know you can feel it, we have something, and its real.”
       “You can’t say that, Alfie!” I growled as the cool breeze slowly started to speed up followed by some small drops of rain.
       “So, what if I don’t know your last name? Your age, or your mom’s favorite color! Zoe, I love you and over these past couple of weeks I have felt more alive with you than I ever have! Can’t you just see that you and I, even if it is crazy, are meant to be?”
       Looking up into the sky I could feel my heart start to race as I pled for forgiveness and hope that what Alfie was saying was true. As the rain started to come down in sheets I instantly found myself wrapped in Alfie’s arms as we both melted into one another with my body and soul finally feeling what true love was.

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